Member Reviews
Wise and insightful. This book has a lot of advice to offer not just to leaders/potential leaders, but to all of us, because everybody is a leader of their own kind (at work, in family life, groups of interest...there is a lot of leaders for a lot of situations).
Based on the story of Herb Greenberg, the founder of consulting firm Caliper, every chapter covers different leadership qualities and/or situations.
The authors of this book consider you as a partner - so they are honest and open (no sugar-coating and cheap psychologogizing here), but they also see that as a possibility for learning by offering their rich experience.
Take Herb Greenberg, a boy who became blind at young age. And this serious obstacle (among others) has not stop him from having the attitude of "being just a little better". And with this and his inner drive and passion, he has become a founder of respectable consulting firm.
The authors are also not saying that this is the right journey for you. They are saying that one should discover their own potential and qualities based on their own personal story. (Why the personal story? Because knowing who you are, what is in your core and what you value (as shown/tested in your life) makes the others to be able to trust you).
This is valuable book. Even if I do not work in the business sector, this book has a lot to offer to me as well (and it hits home more often that I care to admit). I find the idea of "just a little better" worth of being followed in my everyday life, too.
Good job.