Member Reviews

I requested this title back before my blogging break. I have ended up with a number of titles that are overwhelming to catch up on now I am back from my blogging break. I am regretfully not going to be reading and reviewing this title, but now I am back from my blogging break, I am looking forward to reading and reviewing some of your future titles. Thank you so much for the opportunity and apologies.

I was quite impressed with this book I got a lot more then I expected. Monet is a poor girl who is plagued with a disease that is easily cured with enough money which she doesn't have so she trys out to "date a rock-star" .abd meets rockstar Jeremy and quickly realizes that maybe she wants just more then just money maybe she wants his heart too

I finished reading this in 2 days & loved every moment . The story reminds me of 'The Selection' series but with a rockstar twist ! Thank you for the copy - would highly recommend this book .

Thousands of girls have lined up for the chance to be on the new reality t.v. series, Date With a Rockstar. The winner will become the next girlfriend of world famous rockstar Jeremy Banes, and thirty thousand dollars. Monet is one of the contestants, but unlike the other fan girls, she is uninterested in having a chance at dating Jeremy. Monet has fluxem, a disease spread through saliva, and can be cured if only she had twenty thousand dollars. Entering the reality t.v. show is her only chance at winning the prize money. But, as the competition goes on, Monet finds herself falling in love with Jeremy. Will she be able to keep her disease a secret while the cameras are rolling?
There is something about the rockstar lifestyle that appears to be so mysterious and intriguing. What are they like when cameras are not rolling? As I began reading, I started to forget that Jeremy Bane was a rockstar. Instead, my mind was transported into multiple comparisons between this novel and The Selection. Date with a Rockstar is a dystopian version of the Bachelor where poverty is at an all-time high. Monet and her mother are struggling to get by, but when Monet contracts Fluxem, she will do anything to survive, even enter into a reality t.v. show. The entire plotline was predictable, but it was very entertaining. Jeremy and Monet had a lot of chemistry, and I enjoyed their conversations.
I would recommend this book to fans of The Selection and the t.v. show The Bachelor.

Sadly, I couldn't get myself to finish this book. It's not that it was bad or anything like that. It's just I thought it was going to be something I would enjoy but overall I wasn't liking it. Felt a little too zombie for me, and I don't have anything to do with zombies. (I just don't like them.)