Member Reviews

Already reviewed and feedback sent ages ago. Not sure why these are duplicating. But please find review content at my archived blog

- Thanks! Sorry this is a little haphazard. Just trying to clear my Shelf here. :)

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I am a real follower of dance. I love anything dance related. I love watching dance videos and reading books and fiction stories about dance. They just make me happy. This story touched my heart and made my heart break and flutter and all other emotions I am forgetting at the moment.
Natalya was a really strong character. She makes you feel what shes feeling. She is devastated about her leg being hurt. Not being able to dance. I love the relationship that Tonio and Natalya have. Tonio is a hispanic soccer loving character completely different from Natalya, but they do end up together and they really like each other. I really enjoyed seeing them two together. And then there is Natalya's mother. Katya. Since the accident which hurt Natalya's leg it also killed her father. Katya has a drinking problem. So she is a wreck. Natalya is struggling with her mother and being at a new school since she cannot go to her usual school for dance. So she is balancing a new school, her mother and now Tonio and making new friends. This is a very good storyline.
If you love dance stories this is a great one. It is FICTION. It is book one but there is now a prequel out about her accident I just have not read it yet. But this is definately a must read story. Go get your hands on a copy.
I have recieved this copy from Netgalley for an honest review. Thank you!

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I am not going to be reviewing this book, but thank you for the approval.

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DNF at 34%.

Not my cup of tea, a few too many cliches and unbelievable situations in what was actually a pretty realistic setting. Didn't mesh well for me.

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