Member Reviews

The Epic Adventures of Lydia Bennet by Kate Rorick and Rachel Kiley

This. Was. Delightful. I love The Lizzie Bennett Diaries, and Lydia is such an interesting character. You have to love her to love this book, though, so if she bugs you in the web series I'd move along and select another book. She's funny and happy, but this act hides how she's really doing. And, if you paid attention in the web series, it's easy to expect that this is not a light and fluffy book. It's super realistic, though, and I think it does a great job of showing what it's like to get out of and then recover from an abusive relationship. I loved Lydia and felt for her so much. This book really dives into her character, and I gained a new appreciation for her. The anxiety rep feels so accurate for someone her age, and I saw a lot of my younger self in her. I loved reading as she found her place in the world and learned more about herself through therapy. This is by no means a light read, but it's filled with empowering hope and I loved it for that.

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I love the Lizzie Bennet Diaries and reading things from Lydia's perspective was very entertaining

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