Member Reviews

he initial installment in the Homecoming trilogy left me disappointed, particularly considering my expectations following the lackluster conclusion of the Companions Codex trilogy.

Being a long-time admirer of Drizzt and Salvatore's writing style, my journey through this series has been challenging since Gauntlgrym. While I found the new version of the Companions intriguing, I can't help but feel that the story should have concluded with Gauntlgrym. It seemed a somewhat perfect ending, even if it was influenced by Wizards. Now, after eight books, Salvatore appears to have lost the spark that initially drew me in. Drizzt feels more like a guest star, with the narrative focusing primarily on other characters. While some are interesting for a few chapters, they struggle to sustain an entire storyline.

In Archmage, over two-thirds of the narrative lacks significant developments, predominantly filled with prolonged conversations. This renders the book not only uninteresting but rather tedious and fatiguing, with chapters speeding by. The only redeeming aspects are the final chapters, packed with action, and Jarlaxle's sections, offering a glimpse of what's to come in the next book.

Overall, the book comes across as mediocre, with only a handful of scenes truly capturing interest. Were it not for my deep affection for Drizzt and his Companions, I might consider it one of Salvatore's weaker works. My hope is for improvement in the remainder of the trilogy, although my expectations are now notably diminished.

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another installment in the Drizzt series. To be honest I feel that Salvatore has milked all that he can out of these characters. The books haven't been very good for a while.

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