Member Reviews

This book is a good character-driven story. I loved the relationship/friendship between the three friends: Stella, Piper and Charlotte. It made me want to be included in their friend group. The relationships they had with the people in the town were mostly interesting, although some were a little over the top. This book had many funny moments, such as people sneaking around trying not to get caught by the whole town, or some of the tricks being pulled by some of the characters. Overall, I enjoyed this book. This is something I would recommend to others, but probably not something I would want to reread.

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Not your normal everyone comedy or more! This book had me laughing! the content may not be what you think but it sure was a good book!

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

So we are back in the small town in Texas and we still get to feisty old 80 year old Agnes getting into the thick of things and helping to cause trouble for Heather and her Aunt Violet.

Stella is one of the owners of The Yellow Rose Beauty Shop and her mother one day and the Angels prayer group foolishly says that she wants a husband for her daughter and she would dearly love to have grandchildren and Stella is her only child.

What happens next is a small town getting into the gossip, one lady who thinks she is above everyone sticking her oar in and organising events that suit her needs to in the guise of helping others and the church and Stella having to keep a massive secret from her family and friends.

Love how the dynamics work and that we get to see what the secret is long before others and that we have some other relationships thrown in there for good value and a mother realising that she has done something stupid and doing what she can to minimise the damage and help where she can.

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Friends, sass, hot jalapenos&love. They have more than enough of all that in Cadillac, Texas.

Stella's mother wants her daughter married and having some grandkids for her - but her innocent plea for prayer has started a hot mess. Now there is campaign to marry Stella off and even a ball (read barn dance) planned to secure both that and a brand new marriage ministry for ambitious Heather. But what if Stella already is taken?

This one is fun celebration of women's strong headedness, stance and friendship above all. They have foul mouth and are not very gentle sometimes, but they fiercely love each other and are there always to get their backs. Spiced with a douse of Southern charm and attitude, you want fierce friends like these in your posse.

So why 3 stars?
I, for one, don´t like when the preachers are described like hot dudes without any real religious inclination. One is not a pastor because of his nice sermons, one is a pastor when he is showing God to others. And Jed here is mostly interested in the (married) sex.
Second, this is funny novel - but sometimes also catty and downplaying the other women (however you paint them as mean and/or stupid, they are still women).
Third, the men here are just sexy and loving accessories to the women (one ugly ex is an exception). They are one-dimensional and have no character development.

Still, the sass is attractive. And having some fierce friends myself, i know that they are both force to be reckoned with and a great gift in my life. Toast to friendship!

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