Member Reviews

This is a cute little love story. I just loved reading this book. If you want a pick me up happy novel this is it.

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A GLIMPSE OF THE DREAM introduces us to Teagan Harper, an orphan, Kane Doyle, who never knew his dad and was abandoned by his mom at a young age, Mrs. Marks and her ancestral home Raven's Peak who is their guardian along with her staff, Mr. Clancy, Mrs. T. and Sam along with many others. We learn about the power of friendship, second chances and family whether there is a blood relation or not through a story that touches on all my emotions.

Fiore's A GLIMPSE OF THE DREAM has family and friends, heartache, fear, resilience, lots of food, descriptions of Raven's Peak, the island and the town, secrets and lies, along with lots of loving and love. Teagan and Kane met when she was ten and he was twelve and immediately they were inseparable. They clicked on another level as friends and family and it was fun to watch their closeness as well as their plans and dreams for the future. Of course, it all changes in an instant, but Tea doesn't know why she not only loses Kane but also his friendship since they were also best friends growing up and it gets even more emotional. Tea takes a lot of things at face value and if it wasn't for her college friend and business partner, Simon, she wouldn't have made it through the devastation of her loss especially since she broke off all ties back home. For most of their lives Tea and Kane knew what the other was thinking or feeling without words except when the hurt was raw and it was important to read between the lines. Watching she and Kane hurting along with Mrs. Marks and the others is heartbreaking. The one step forward and two step back approach is needed but was heart wrenching all the same. There are twists and turns throughout and Tea not only has a special friendship with Kane but also with Simon who is supportive at every turn. She's usually astute to others thoughts and feelings but since she leads with her heart she does get hurt more than once.

The prologue sets the stage for this well written story and the epilogue ties up the loose ends nicely. Childhood friend and foe, Camille, who always wants more out of life and from Kane is a big part of the story as well as the boat maker, Mr. Miller, and the O'Malley family. There are mysteries to be solved and it was interesting to see how things played out. There are several happily ever afters and dreams that come true but I'd love at least a novella if not a sequel that would continue the story.

Fiore is a new to me author and I will give some of her other books a try.

I rated the book 4.5 stars but rounded to 5 stars here and on other sites.

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A very emotional book that is easy to get lost in. I am usually a little wary about books that span such a long timeframe, but this novel was different and kept me engaged for the entire ride. What a heartbreaking, beautiful and emotional book, that leaves the reader breathless, but satisfied, at the end. Well written.

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