Member Reviews

I finished Losing Control and immediately dove into Taking Control. I *had* to know what came next for Tiny and Ian. And I thrilled at Frederick's use of dual POV this time around. Being in Ian's head was fascinating. However, Taking Control wasn't as gripping a read as its predecessor. Here's what worked for me and what could have worked better:

What Worked
~Dual POV - as I said, being in Ian's head, seeing the rationale behind his decisions and getting to see the depth of his feelings for Tiny was fascinating. ~Dynamics between Tiny and Ian - these two work well together even when they don't see eye-to-eye. I liked that there wasn't any unnecessary angst due to lack of communication. There was one instance where Tiny should have shared earlier but they talked things out rationally.
~Tiny blossoming - I enjoyed seeing her find her way in the new world Ian's love came along with. She found something else she enjoyed doing and was brilliant at compensating for her dyslexia. She's so strong and resilient. I admired her!
~Ian overcoming his demons - with Tiny's help. He's such an interesting man and his past absolutely affected who he was but making peace with events and people, letting go - that takes strength...and maybe a good woman by your side.

What Could Have Worked Better
~The threats to Tiny and Ian - I felt like the groundwork could have equaled a lot more suspense but it wasn't capitalized on.
~The showdown and revelations fizzled for me. Again, I felt there was quite a buildup and things could have been much more powerful with these particular plot threads.

Overall though, I liked following Tiny and Ian in their journey. I liked how the title paralleled Tiny and Ian's lives and how they each were approaching things. And I read that Frederick may write more in this world. If she does, I'll happily revisit.

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The second book was just okay, I didn't feel it improved much from the first book. Again, the storyline and writing isn't bad, it just didn't suck me in and keep my interests.

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