Member Reviews

I picked this up for the f/f relationship, however the book just didn't work for me and I wouldn't add it to our library.

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Slaying dragons and other beasts is Devi's job and the only thing she lets herself have time for. She has had trouble getting along with the Mage's that have been assigned to partner with her and is concerned that her days as a combatant will soon come to an end. She is surly, inflexible and has no time for coddling her partners. Luckily, Noeme, the Mage recently assigned to her, is her complete opposite. She doesn't react to Devi's terseness and proves herself to be competent and reliable which catches Devi off guard. It also helps that she is incredibly cute and Devi finds herself drawn to this sweet and easy going Mage.

In truth, I saw the word "Dragons" and "Slay" and thought this would be a very different book. The cover of Slaying Dragons is beautifully done which was the second draw, so I never stopped to read the back cover. I thoroughly expected this to be a story about dragons but the dragon in this tale is sort of incidental. There is a teaser conversation about the different classes of dragons and a few other minor references to the creature they are about to face, but the lack of fierceness in the dragon after so much anticipation was a bit of a let down for me. The budding relationship was the main focus and, although the book was well written, I would have enjoyed it more if the dragon would have had more than just a "bit" part.

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