Member Reviews

I received an advanced copy of [book:Shine Not Burn|25943219] to review several years ago. Obviously, as this was published in 2013, I am a little late in reading it. (In my defense, I moved across the country for a job that ended up being terrible, quit, the sale of my house fell through, etc... It was a crazy time.) Anyway.... I have been trying to catch up on the dozens of ARCs that I failed to read.

Well, I am sorry it took me so long to read this! This story had me laughing aloud several times. It was also hot- the chemistry between Andie and Mack was great. I had a few issues with the plot- enough that I contemplated knocking it down to three stars, but I enjoyed reading it enough that I felt four was fair.

My issues- <spoiler> The genealogy excuse was TOO ridiculous and unbelievable- she is tracing her roots but only wants to talk to Mack? My other major annoyance was that she believed she needed to end things with Mack so he could move on with his "girlfriend". Why would he keep refusing to divorce her if he was involved with someone else? </spoiler>

Anyway, a great read if you are looking for a fun escape!

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This was a great book to read to just wind down. A nice, funny, sexy read. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a non complex read. The chemistry between both Candice and Ian was amazing, and I loved them together. Great read!

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