Member Reviews
This is a very short book but with very good insights into the evolution of: the Cable industry, the sports TV and broadcasting and of course ESPN central role in all this.
If you are interested in startups, entrepreneurship and keeping up afloat of new disruptive technologies, then this book can give you some idea of why sometimes they lose money or don't have earnings despite their high revenues and great future prospects. This quote form the book comes to mind:
<blockquote>“Gentlemen, I would like to equate ESPN with an oil well,” he would say. “Seismic indicated there was a reservoir, and we determined that was true. Experience has shown that the reservoir is there and is a hell of a lot bigger than we originally thought. Unfortunately, it is also deeper than we thought. So I need more pipe.”</blockquote>
It is also a book about creating, managing and maintaining a brand.