Member Reviews

DNF @ 21%

Couldn't get past the fact it's written in first person POV—the heroine's POV. Books with his particular "narrative style" are always iffy with me, since it's rather limiting, while I prefer to have a "broader picture". But in this case, the narrator was also very annoying. Instead of a 29-year-old, she sounded more like a teenager and the fact she actually replied to multiple text messages from an unknown number, thinking it was her sister (even though the woman seemed to be acting out of character) and then went in person to a biker bar, because "her sister" told her to (dressed like a stupid blonde, to boot) was the proverbial last nail in this book's coffin.

And let's not even go into the hero-being-called-by-a-childlike-nickname territory.

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May, freelance photographer who is down in luck with dating game. One person she relies on more is her sister and her niece and nephews. Once she gets a frantic text from her sister (May assumed) and requesting her to show up at shady bar. When she shows up, gun fight breaks out and she was rescued by stranger.
Now he is trying to save her and she doesn't know why he wants to. May is relief to find herself back in her car, but someone followed her and shooting at her. She didn't know who to call so she calls her rescuer/stranger for help.
May doesn't know who to trust when she shows up at Ozzie's building. what a first impression for May. She was n't sure if she could trust him but when she sees all his co workers, she decided to trust him.
Since the shooting, nothing is back to normal for May and Ozzie decide to protect her that includes her staying with Ozzie.
Now they have to work together. More they work together, they are attracted to each other. But before they pursue their feeling, May's safety is first. Can they work together and pursue their feelings for each other.
May and Ozzie's dogs were another funny characters in the book. Both dogs were super cute to each other and had personalities of their own.
I can't wait to read next book.
Thanks to netgalley and Montlake Publishing for ARC in exchange for honest review.

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After several attempts to get into this book I've decided to DNF it at 40%. I'm sorry to say it was not for me. I loved the idea of the synopsis but ultimately it just didn't capture me enough to continue.

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This one is a little hard to review. This is probably a case of it just didn't work for me. Ther storyline didn't seem all that believable and was not as entertaining as I thought it would be after reading the blurb. I usually love this author and have enjoyed quite a few of her other books, but this one just didn't work for me and I can't quite put my finger on why.

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