Member Reviews

A great psychological thriller. Dark with plenty of twists and turns to keep me guessing right up until the end

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*sigh* I'm actually kind of upset that I couldn't get into this book because it sounded so good, and like the type of thriller I'd typically enjoy. Unfortunately for me, it didn't work out and I ended up DNF'ing it after a month of attempts to read it.

Will it still be something I recommend? Absolutely!

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The Girl with no Past is a story of regret, self destruction and fear.
It is a bit slow but will keep you wanting to turn the pages.
I will say I was not expecting it to end how it did which was good.
I like this author and will read more of her books for sure.

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The book did not really work for me. I DNF'ed it. I wasn’t able to connect with any of the many characters in the book and I found myself putting down the book a lot because it was never really catching my attention.

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Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This thriller is a great example of how our current world of social media can go terribly wrong. Our MC Leah has a lonely life and seeks companionship online, When she finally meets someone, her past seems to rise to the surface to drive her back in her shell. Slowly as her world unravels, we learn about Leah's troubled past and begin to hope that she might have a future.

Well done thriller in the times of many psychological thrillers on the shelves. I definitely recommend this one to fans of Thrillers and mysteries!

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OMG I Loved it!
Intriguing, full of suspense and had me glued to the pages!
It was one of those reads where I didn't want it to end.

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Another book compared to Gone Girl and Girl on the Train. These comps sort of ruined the book for me. It was fun but I felt like it was quite different to both of those titles

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I could not get into the characters of this book. For me, the book was slow and I just couldn't connect with anyone. It was a real shame for I had anticipated this title for a long time.

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I seemed to have had this book on my kindle forever, and it just started to shout out at me, READ ME.... I was actually convinced i'd read it. so it just kept getting passed by. Bad Me!
I really wasn't sure at first when I started it what I thought, and once over I felt it wasn't for me, but then I decided to carry on with it. And I'm glad I did.
Once you get into the story it does become addictive, in the sense that you can only find out what the SECRET is by reading the story, and the more you read the more you want to know.
Leah Mills is hiding from something or someone, running from the past. something has happened in her life that she is trying to forget. She is trying to live what she thinks is a normal life. She seems quite a lonely person, doesn't have any friends and certainly is trying to stay under the radar for some reason.
Until she learns that someone know's where she is, someone know's what she is doing, where and when and this is clearly someone from her past.
This really unnerves her, and trying her best to make friends she is a little put out by it.
Through the book we shoot back to Leah and friends at school and Leah and no friends in the present day. She is doing her best to find friendship, and right through the book you start to question, who is real, who can be trusted you do start to suspect everyone and knowing who to trust is hard.

This is one of those books that you need to keep reading, and reading and reading, because it's the only way you are going to find out what the secret is. What exactly has happened in Leah's past.
It is a very well put together and very well written story. I look forward to reading more from this author and catching up with other titles.

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Leah Mills has a life under the radar without friends, partners, or hardly any activity at all. Her only companion is the shame from a traumatic event that happened years ago that has haunted her ever since. She has her quiet job then goes home to her quiet apartment and quietly reads every quiet night of her quiet life. Get the picture?

But one day, she decides she's had enough of the loneliness and quiet, so she tries an online dating chat website in the hopes of communicating with people she would never meet. Little does she know, this opens Pandora's Box.

This book jumps from the plot of what happened leading up to the traumatic event in high school to coping with adulthood with the weight of the guilt from that horrific night. This was a bit frustrating for me as a reader because her modern-day adult life was mundane and the idea that she is miserable and alone is beat into the reader's head. When the story flashes back to her time in high school, she also has that teenage angst of being misunderstood and left behind. The book was so melancholy that it was hard for me to read too much of it at one time.

It was also confusing at times with the present day as she reaches out to people from her past because they kept talking about how awful she is without much support. I understand it is the suspense of what actually happened but it, at times, felt like it exaggerated the concept that everyone hated her. It is not until the last 10%-15% of the book that the reader discovers what happened that night but, even then, the reason for her constant rejection by others is not clear until the very last chapter of the book. However, what does happen does clear a lot of things up (except for how is she not imprisoned? Surely with certain details it would be clear that it was intentional?).

The last thing I did not like: the title. I'm not really sure what it has to do with anything. It seemed like perhaps it would be about someone in the Witness Protection Program or someone with amnesia, but neither apply and it doesn't seem to fit at all.

All in all, I don't hate the book, but I don't want to rave about how great it is either. It's a book that I am glad that I finished, however, for those that did not finish it-I get it. It definitely drags and is confusing, especially at the beginning. I would not recommend this book for those who may be offended or triggered by the following: violence, murder, rape, sexually suggestive scenarios, stalking, bullying, or foul language.

Please note: an electronic ARC of this book was generously provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. (Sorry it took me almost 3 years to read it!)

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