Member Reviews

I went into this book blind. I got both the first and second book in the series quite a while ago on Netgalley and because I'm ridiculously unorganized, I'm only just getting to them now which means I didn't have a clue what they were about.

Wow. There is a lot of violence and a lot about faith in this book. The book focuses around two watchers called Arena and Gabe. They were orphaned when they were 9 years old and got taken in by a couple called Myra and Daniel who looked after them from then on. On their 15th birthday they received a letter addressed to them with a key and instructions from their uncle Finnigan who they hadn't seen in years and who they believed to be dead.

There is a ridiculous amount of death in this book.. Arena is what can only be described as an assassin. She has got crazy good fighting skills. She is lethal and if I'm honest I honestly don't know where she got her skills from? I guess she was just gifted with them as her and Gabe are the 'Chosen Ones'. Gabe is also a good fighter but maybe not quite in the same league as Arena. However he has a talent for all the technical stuff that could help them along their way. He also seems to be able to sense when danger is near. Which is always a good gift to have. This book gets a little confusing at times as you seem to just get a load of information dumped on you to take in and I never can so always end up forgetting some crucial bit to the plot.

Overall this isn't a bad read and I'm intrigued to see what happens next so I'm off to continue the series.

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This title wasn't for me.

I received this electronic book from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this opportunity!

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