Member Reviews

I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

This has been on my TBR pile for so long, and I'm glad I finally got around to it. I really enjoyed the storyline and seeing the characters change throughout the story was a great character development. The plot was great and kept my attention. I'm glad I got the chance to read this and will be on the lookout for more in the future!

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tried to read this book a while ago and it's Not really my kind of book, so unfortunately had to DNF it.

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I found this story interesting - it was dystopian and developed an interesting world, filled with disease and hunger, decaying buildings and cannibals. Every bit of information about the world was well done and kept me wanting to read more.

Alice is a privileged kid, raised with a dad that took care of her and her brother. But an attack leaves her brother and her escaping the sky through two different airlock vessels, Alice lands and must try to stay alive and find her brother. It's this adventure, to find her brother, that opens her eyes and makes her realize there is more going on in her world than she ever thought.

I found it interesting and wanted to find out the end but it definitely felt like it stuck in spots and got a bit dull in the middle.

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