Member Reviews

Worlds of Ink and Shadow by Lena Coakley is an imaginative blend of history and fantasy, bringing the Brontë siblings’ creativity to life. They slip between reality and their own fictional worlds, facing both inspiration and danger. Beautifully written and richly atmospheric, it’s a must-read for fans of literary and magical tales alike.

There was much to enjoy here, but I found I couldn't connect with it. I'd read more from this author in the future though.

The book did not really work for me. I DNF'ed it. I wasn’t able to connect with any of the many characters in the book and I found myself putting down the book a lot because it was never really catching my attention.

I unfortunately was not able to read this book. I was excited when ever I had chosen to download or pick this book up on Netgalley. However, time moves by so quickly and I never got to read it.

What if? What if there was something of fantastic origin going on in the lives of the Brontë siblings? What if their passionate natures were actually able to do more than just write about the worlds of emotion? What if they were able to create them? And if yes, what could happen there? And for what price?
This is a lovely "fantic" of a kind - he one where the authoress Lena Coakley tried to include some YA elements into the lives of the talented Brontë siblings.
I find this being quite meticulously researched book - maybe it is not so "high" literature, but I was entertained during my reading, have gained a lot of "background" info about the siblings and were led to ask the important question of "why". Why the modest parson´s daughters were able to write like that? How is possible to know, understand and being able to describe such passions? From where could that incredible amount of (cumulated) talent come?
I have truly enjoyed this book. It is one quality YA novel - and this is not a small accomplishment! And I wonder if this novel could be a door, too - for people who would otherwise never dreamed of opening "the dusty classics" and who can discover the passionate worlds of the Brontë siblings because of this book.

I picked it up and put it down so many times I finally decided to dnr this book.
I'm sorry I know that others have reviewed it super positively and have things to love her but it just wasn't for me. There was nothing to grab onto here for me and it just slipped through my fingers.

Sadly, this is one of my DNF pile. I tried so hard to give this a chance but to no avail.

As one enamoured with the Brontë siblings, I will admit bias. The subject matter alone would satisfy me.
Though no text is without flaws, the characters could have been more heavily embellished as fiction that is merely drawing from scant life details.
I enjoyed the book and will read future worlds spun by the writer.

I really enjoyed this book. I thought that the writing was good. I'm not really one for historical fiction but I really liked this one. It made me want to read more about the Bronte's. The story really drew me in.

The premise of Worlds of Ink and Shadow is interesting - the Brontes are really fantastic, intriguing literary figures, and I'd like to see more YA explorations of writers like them - but ultimately, I just couldn't invest in the story. Its potential was wasted, its pacing off-kilter and the whole thing essentially unmemorable.

I'm confused? I'm not sure what even happened in this book but honestly, I don't care to. It was dull and everyone felt flat and boring.