Member Reviews

Over the years, it has become apparent that there is no adequate training program for the Office of the President of the US. Indeed, it seems as if some of the most well prepared people to take the job were among the least ready, and vice versa. Douglas Alan Cohn takes a look at the first year of US Presidents and their successes and fails.

=== The Good Stuff ===

* Cohn has a nice mix of material, and is mostly an impartial observer of the Presidents. For the most part, he is non-judgemental and gives each President a fair shake.

* The writing style is pleasant to read, and the pages go by quickly. Each story is a few pages long, and there is enough detail to understand the story.

=== The Not-So-Good Stuff ===

* The details of many of the Presidents' first years are lost to history, and the stories get more detailed and complete as the history becomes more current.

=== Summary ===

I liked the book, although I might have liked to see more detail on some of the incidents related.

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