Member Reviews

A powerful book about delaying sex and beyond. The mentioned "beyond" is the reason, the "why" behind that decision.
Coming from the Hollywood couple (sure, less known, at least to me, but still, they are in the glitzy and damaged industry) who waited with sex until they had married, this book is prone to be subject of some misunderstandings. Are they lying? Are they sugar-coating? Is there something wrong with them?
Being Catholic, the celibacy is not the new or ground-breaking concept for me. So yes, I believe the wait is possible and that there is nothing wrong with them. The opposite, their way is in line with deep inner work, honesty, the more difficult, but rewarding road. Yes, it is possible to wait - and DeVon Franklin and Meagan Good are good in explaining why. That the clear mind, reason and discipline are rewarding and that you can use your time much better than giving way to your desires - that you can grow, become and master some inner work for the better good both of you and the world, when living according to the higher plan. That you can know yourself better and the other one better and honor both of you - not "just" in body, but in the mind, spirit and soul, too.
They are not sugar-coating. They are clear in explaining all the benefits and hardships.
Honestly, when thinking about explaining waiting/celibacy/honoring your body and the bodies of the other people - this is one resorceful book with many benefits.
But, yes, there are some personal reflections I am going to share them in honesty (I don´t wish to diminish the book, just explain myself) - first is the "evangelium of prosperity" thing, which is a bit typical for the American "motivational" literature ( live in Europe, so I see the difference when comparing the literature from different cultures). If you will live according the God´s will, then God will give you gifts. Don´t get me wrong, I wholeheartedly believe that God loves us and wants to give us gifts, good gift. But I don´t think it is right to do business with God - I will live like that and you will give me that. Remember the Book of Job from the Bible? God might work differently in your live. He might allow for you to go through some suffering, maybe the long and/or hard time of that. This life is not the end station - that is Heaven. So your reward might not be the dreamed "good life", but the peace of heart coming from knowing that God is with you even in the darkest dark.
But again, I am not trying to judge the book or the intentions of the authors here, just adding my thoughts into the debate.
And another con (for me) is that the wait has somehow became The Wait, like a program for your life. This might work for some readers and it is good. But for me, this book is "just" a good source of information, arguments and food for thought, but not the program for my life - and this is good, too.
All in all, I recommend this book. It is welcomed and quality addition to the difficult debate, and I am glad I have got my hands on this book.