Member Reviews

Love this author I enjoyed the book the plot and character entertaining and it kept me interested the whole time would read this author again

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I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

This has been on my TBR pile for so long, and I'm glad I finally got around to it. I really enjoyed the storyline and seeing the characters change throughout the story was a great character development. The plot was great and kept my attention. I'm glad I got the chance to read this and will be on the lookout for more in the future!

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Second chance romance at its best.
Loved London and Jared's story and I will be reading the rest of the series so I can fully immerse myself in Michelle Valentine's world.

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While I wasn't a huge fan of the first book in this series, I really liked Wicked Reunion. Michelle A. Valentine did a good job with London and Jared as well as the supporting characters. I was hooked after the first chapter, waiting for the bottom to fall out for London and Jared, as mean as that sounds.

Middle school sweethearts and now in college, London and Jared have what most other couples want out of a relationship. They get along great and have nothing but the future to look forward to. Just when they think they have it all, London and Jared lose everything, including each other. Jared leaves the life he once knew behind to find himself and ends up finding a band, then becoming quite the rockstar.

London has never gotten over Jared, however in five years did move forward in her life as best as she could. The one thing that would ruin it all is Jared coming back. While she wants closure, she doesn't know if her heart can actually take seeing him in person again. When given no choice, everything London once knew has once again changed.

The book is well written from past to present and in dual points of view, so we get to see all sides. I thought the storyline was pretty predictable, however it surprised me every now and then. While you don't have to read the first book in the series to follow Wicked Reunion, the time line overlaps a bit and I was glad to know what was going on with the band.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog.

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This is absolutely my kind of book. I love a good 2nd chance romance. And they are even better when they have always thought they would be together.
Jared and London were completely devoted to each other and they vowed to be together always.
But, when tragedy strikes, Jared walks away.

Their story is so well written and so damn emotional. I absolutely loved the connection they have!

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Wicked Reunion? More like a wicked headache. Don't get me wrong, i always enjoy a good second-chance-love book, but this was a total miss for me. The story-line was filled with problems and absolutely transparent as early as the very first chapter, the characters were unlikable and i wished for a NO HEA. The characters were a big no-no for me. I hated Jared, he was obnoxious, arrogant and generally an asshole, and all that not in a good way like a bad boy would be. As for London, i just couldn't connect with her. She was the classic doormat heroine, extremely silly and mundane. So you can say that the main pair wasn't to my liking.

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(4- 4.5 stars)
I LOVED Jared and London’s story I think mostly because I felt more of a connection to them then I did to the first book. At the start of the book we know that they are no longer together and that she has gotten married and is in the process of separating from her husband. When it’s revealed WHO her husband is my jaw hit the floor. I knew then that it was going to be an interesting story. I liked the use of “now” and “then” chapters even though most of the time I wanted to hurry up and be in the now. About half way through the timeline overlaps with Ace’s disappearance. The last chapter acts as an epilogue as it jumps two years into the future which I appreciated. I loved getting a sneak peak at the future and now I’m ready to see what’s in store for book 3.

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This sweet feel good story is heartwarmingly comfortable and a romantic page turner! I loved reading and following along the characters sweet love story! I loved this book! An addictive read! You fall in love with the characters, and my heart warmed as I read them falling in love!

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A truly enjoyable read, the story has you on the edge of you seat.

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

I must admit that i did struggle a little with this book. Constantly other than changing from chapter to chapter between London and Jared's point of view we would also get a chapter of the past then the present. It was like getting reading whiplash and you had to be on your toes as to whether you were reading present or past.

All of the characters at some point (and for quite a while) were really self centred and were hurting those around them. Jared was hurting London, his mother and his brother. London by ignoring Wes's true feelings and leading him on and Wes with his feelings for London.

Don't get me wrong, i do like second change romances, but, arrrrh. I almost wish that the book had a different ending. I had hoped that Wes got the girl he was always there for and that London finally realised what a good man he is and found that she did live him after all.

The first book in this series was too much better, but i can always hope that book three is much better than this one.

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Wicked Reunion was an okay second chance read. The story had dual pov's and went from past to present. I didn't feel the connection to the characters.

I received this from Netgaley

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If you love to read about love triangles then this book is for you.

Jared and London are in love and have been connected at the hip since middle school. But then Jared suffers multiple losses in his life and abandons London. So Jared runs off and becomes major rock star and London is left behind broken and abandoned. Jared's older brother Wes (who’s has also been in love with London since middle school) picks up the pieces that his younger brother left behind. So Wes and London get together. But then Jarred returns and that is when it gets really interesting.

If you want to find out what happens you need to pick up this book. NOW! :)

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