Member Reviews

More Than Comics by Elizabeth Briggs

More Than Comics is short, but well developed and well written. I really loved the friendship between Hector and Tara. Their conversations were a lot of fun, and I actually wished the author hadn't thrown them into bed so much so that I could have seen more of their relationship than just sex. MY favorite parts of the story were from Hector's point of view. I liked getting in his head and seeing that he's way more sensitive than he lets on. He has insecurities like we all do, and I found that to be refreshing to read about. I love how Tara sees him, and how she feels about him. I loved the Comic Con setting. I've never been before, but I've been to book conventions and I love the excitement on the floor and all the panels and nerding out. More Than Comics was so much fun, and I'm definitely interested in continuing the series!

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I really enjoyed the book, it has everything I love in a novel from start to finish. I can’t wait to read what the author has planned next!

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