Member Reviews

A nice way to pass the afternoon or a great beach/chick read.

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Received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

That was just sweet. There's no other way to describe it. Vanessa has been so concerned raising her daughter that when her daughter starts to grow up and pull away, she doesn't know what to do with herself. Enter Josie's teacher: Cameron. The way he's described, he's got this whole buff geek think going on, which is super sexy.

The relationship between Vanessa and Josie was really the cornerstone of this story. And while Vanessa did get lost in herself almost to the point of being annoying, at the heart of the matter, she was only trying to do what was best for Josie. Watching her come to terms with the fact that what's best for Josie might be letting go a little was hard on Vanessa.

All in all, a fun and heartfelt read - and that epilogue was adorable.

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Vanessa has been a single mother to Josie for 13 years. Her family worries about her happiness and lack of dating. Pushed to date by no other than her daughter, Vanessa tries to balance all aspects of her life. Starting Over is a sweet, heartwarming and well written story. I loved all the pop culture references. I wanted to wring Vanessa’s neck a majority of the book. She was anything but a selfish parent but didn’t believe she should date. At her daughter’s age I think it was a bit silly. IMO though it was missing the “wow” factor. That will not discourage me from read other BB books because her writing is very good.

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Thank you so much for being willing to grant me access to this book. Unfortunately, life obligations have prevented me from doing so. If my schedule clears, I plan on reviewing this in the future and will post the review on Amazon and Goodreads. Thank you.

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