Member Reviews

Visions Through A Glass Darkly by David I Aboulafia.
Richard Goodman is the caretaker of a unique institution that trains disabled youth in the art of watch making. But he is no ordinary administrator. He possesses extrasensory powers he does not fully understand and cannot control.
This was a good read with good characters. Although slow I managed to read it so only 4* from me. Netgalley and cosmic egg books.

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I'm sorry it took me so long to review this book.
I love the cover! Unfortunately that's the only thing I like about this book. I find the title too long and pretentious. I have difficulty in understanding exactly what the author is trying to say. There are so many stories merging and emerging from one to the other, that at times I'm lost. I have a hard time finishing this book. The style of the author is definitely not for me. Thank you for letting me read this book.
As my review is very negative, I would rather not publish it in

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