Member Reviews

MMA fighters are one of my favorites to read about. Who doesn't love a bad boy who has sexy muscles?! And this book was no different. Nikko is one of these bad boys who has a tormented past but a heart of gold under his hidden rough layers. I really liked his character. There were layers and depth that I found enjoyable and fun to read. Violet was his perfect counterpart. I loved how she wasn't just a pencil straight woman that she seems to be and can be feisty and fun. Together they're an explosion of passion, tension and sexiness.
The story itself moved at a good pace and held my attention all the way through. There are some things that were left out at the end that I wanted to know but the main storyline was tied up. I look forward to learning about the other sexy fighters.

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I really loved the character Nikko in Passing His Guard. I was really excited to see he was in this book because I wanted to read his story... and it did not disappoint. Fighting for Control is my favorite book in the Against the Cage series. I can't wait to read the next one.

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Found this book a bit it hard to get into. Ok story an characters but will try again in the future with this author. Thanks for letting me try your book.

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This is a very good book. It begins with Nikko Del Toro who is an ex-Marine now an MMA fighter. He is overall a good guy, but because of his PTSD he loses it one night in practice and ends up blacking while injuring someone he did not want to. Now in order to safe his career, and himself he must go to counseling. When he gets to the office it turns out it is Dr. Violet Summers, and they had one night together that rocked her world. Her first since her divorce and move away from her ex. She does not know if she can handle him sitting across from her, but the real problem is that he thinks he does not have any problems at all. When they get past the physical, and move on to him it is difficult for him to open up. Especially about his last mission which she now realizes is the cause of his PTSD. This begins a series of events that change him, and her, and there relationship. He begins to see her different and begins to want to be with her and knows he must fix himself. Not just for fighting but for some other reasons that you find out in the story. This is an excellent book, with wonderful characters. Full of sex, drama, and some fighting in the ring. There are also some surprises you find out about Nikko along the way that make a good read.

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