Member Reviews

This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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Since I found Marina Adair and her St Helena series, I've LOVED them!! They are the perfect combination of sweet, hot, sassy, home town/small town romances I love. Plus I totally related to Harper as being the girl every guy wants... as a friend. And who can blame her for hooking up with Firefighter Adam??

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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How could you not love Harper Owens? She’s the nice girl that everyone wants as a friend - including the guys. Heck, I want her as a friend too! She has a personality I really liked and is truly an original! And then there is Adam Baudouin. He may be a hot. And a fireman. And sexy. Did I mention hot? But we all knew Adam loved (and left) the ladies just a bit too much. As drool-worthy as St. Helena’s 5-alarm casanova was, I really did not think he was worthy of our favorite Harper. Well, I was wrong…..when Harper and Adam agree to a fake romantic relationship to advance their individual agendas, “fake” turns into real friendship and a happily-ever-after!

I started this book liking both characters from the glimpses I had of them in prior books, but I wasn’t sure I would love them “together.” And the beginning of the book didn’t reinforce that feeling (Baby, really?) But then Harper has to save her grandmother’s lingerie shop by dialing up her sexy and Adam wants the promotion to lieutenant by dialing down his. Both tasks get accomplished in one swoop when two agree to act like they are in a committed relationship. And boy did it work! Ms. Adair has penned a story that manages to be witty, thoughtful, sexy, sweet and deep. For all the superficial, “Mr. July” has a big heart lurking under his big muscles! And sweet Harper has an inner vixen that just needed to be coaxed out to play in the sunlight! What seemed to be a story of opposites attracting was really a story of how a soulmate can bring balance into your world. Separately, Harper and Adam were good characters. But together, they each became great characters and an enchanting couple - truly stronger together. I became so engrossed as this author took me through the growth of friendship, then love, between Harper and Adam, the pages just flew by.

Of course, it is always easy to stroll the streets of St. Helena, getting glimpses of all our favorites from the series - this small town cannot help but be charming! And I found myself thoroughly charmed by “Need You for Mine!”

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Harper and Adam = hot.... I really enjoyed their story and can not wait for more from st Helena..

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Harper Owens feels like she is destine to be alone in her life. Every man she feels attracted to looks to her as a friend and not as a women who they want to date. Adam Baudouin is able to get all of her buttons pushed from the fist moment he walks in on her in her shop. That is the moment that everything changes for him, for he sees her as a beautiful sexy women who is now driving him crazy and he wants to be with her. The problem is getting her to want to be with him and not the doctor. The more Adam puts himself in her way the more for their confrontations, but it really is not like that it is more like to cubs in the wild getting to know one another and when it’s starts to feel real it begins to scare her because she was not planning on Adam as being the guy she would fall for. Once it all starts to come together though it turns into a very good story, with good characters all the way around. A very good book.

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