Member Reviews

Eh. This felt disjointed and rushed in spots. I didn't realize it was a prequel until late in the game and I have no interest in continuing on with the series.

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This book was okay, but felt very rushed and I feel like I wasn't able to connect to the characters.

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It was a very quick read and for certain parts I felt the story was written rushed. The story was a little disjointed and moved pretty fast. We didn’t actually manage to see a real connection although by the preview of the second book we see that Paul and Corinne have actually been dating for 7 years which is actually rather cute. Still the problems of the long distance seem to constantly be at the tides hopefully they’ll manage to overcome it.

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Recieved this book from netgalley in exchange for honest review

I was drawn to this book from the blurb and found the steam factor in this book to be high. the love scenes do overshadow the story line which can cause the connection to the characters unrealistic at time. it was however a satisfactory read

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