Member Reviews

I'm going through books like I have nothing else to do, while I have four major submissions and a dissertation looming above my head. I am so screwed but then again who can say no to a good book?

I picked this one up while I was still recovering from the heartbreak I got from reading Chasing Abby by Cassia Leo (Read it and weep people. Actually you have to read the whole series to get the full effect of the story. It can be read as a stand alone too but the best is to read the whole series to properly connect with the Knights. I should now stop going on about another book during another's review)

Well I can't say this book made me get properly over that book hangover but nonetheless I feel much better than I did yesterday night. This is one of those sweet stories that give you tiny butterflies in your stomach. The story line was simple and sweet. A cute friends to lovers story. I wished they broached the subject of their friendship more but the romance was cute. Poor Connor. I felt like he was just pushed aside. Not that I didn't want that to happen any other way. We knew from the beginning he didn't hold a candle for Mr. Right. Poor Dylan, getting pushed around for seven years. I'm not gonna say anything other than that *evil laugh*

This was definitely the type to cheer me up and I would love to read more book with these characters. Though it was a short book I felt oddly connected to the characters. I definitely want more of the Mimi and more of the Lewis brothers *cough cough, Simon* and the cute cute Jonathan. He sounds like the perfect brother. I want him to find love.

With that note I'm off. Read it peeps.

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Thank you for the chance to read and review One True Loves. Unfortunately, I could not get into it and since I didn't finish it, I won't be reviewing.

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I love romance novels as much as the next person, but this story just didn't enthrall me like I was hoping it would based on the description.

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I really enjoyed the book, it has everything I love in a novel from start to finish. I can’t wait to read what the author has planned next!

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Katy emailed the article to her editor Dylan Sterling who was editor in chief of the Florida Observer. They had known each other since they had met at their college newspaper. They had a beautiful friendship even now even though Dylan was her boss. Dylan became Katy’s mentor when they were in college together . Dylan had taught Katy all she knew on how to survive this business and then some. Dylan took a gamble on Katy and hired her and gave her the first job she had as a journalist right out of college. Katy covers the local H S sports beat. Katy has been on the Observer for the last four years. Katy is a perfectionist and that is why a lot of times she is close to her deadline on turning in an article. Katy loves what she does. Katy decided to get a career in sports journalism. Eventually she hoped to make it to the big time covering the NFL for the larger magazine in South Florida. Then getting her end goal which was working in any way, shape, or form for Sports Illustrated. You had to have tough skin to be a sports reporter and be a female. Katy got some hate mail every week but she did read every piece of it. Katy’s life turns upside down when her childhood best friend and first crush Connor got a hold of Katy and after nine years wanted to see her. Connor had been Katy’s best friend during her childhood and her first crush and he had broken her heart. Katy is scared to see Connor again. Then Connor and Katy start spending time together and Katy thinks Connor might now be seeing her as more than just a friend. But then the office floozy Rachel makes a move on Dylan and Katy wants to punch her. Katy realizes she is jealous and she has feelings more than friendship for Dylan. Then Katy also realizes Dylan seems to have some feelings for her. Katy lives with her best female friend Mimi and she has told Katy before Dylan had feelings for her but Katy hadn’t believed her. Now Katy must decide which man she really wanted.
I absolutely loved this story. It was predictable but that took nothing away from the story for me. Why all of a sudden after nine years and then after breaking her heart he may have feelings for her. I did also wish this had been a little longer but once again still loved the story. I also loved the daily trivia questions Dylan gave Katy and she usually got right. There was kinda a love triangle but in this case I didn’t mind it like I usually do. This story was sweet and made me laugh at times. I loved the plot and the characters and the ins and outs of this story and I highly recommend.

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This was a good, not great, read. It was fairly predictable and honestly pretty drama filled. Not the fun kind of drama that happens in all chick lit, but just the make up your mind & come on kind.

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