Member Reviews

Thoughtfully written and a great book that shows where medicine is today and how it got to that point.

It's easy to read but very informative and it doesn't require previous knowledge to enjoy and learn from this book,

If you are interested in this? Definitely a good one to pick up!

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This is a very thoughtful book about the practice of medicine today, and how assembly-line, checklist-based medicine alienates patients and physicians. It also shows that this divide isn't entirely new; I was already aware of Beaumont's study of St-Martin's stomach that had an opening to his side, but I didn't know that St-Martin attempted to escape being the subject of those experiments, or that St-Martin's grave was guarded by relatives against the risk of grave robbery of that famous stomach. This book is partly a memoir, partly a criticism of medicine as it is practiced, and partly a vision of how medicine could be better. It is, altogether, interesting and sympathetic.

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