Member Reviews

I Was So Excited When I Received  The ARCs For This And The Sapphire Heist. Lauren Blakely Never Let's You Down When It Comes To Hot And Steamy Scene And Red Hot Chemistry With A Wicked Story Thrown In To Round It Off Nicely.

The Story Was Fantastic, So Full Of Mystery, Suspense And Romance And Jake And Steph Are Just Made For One Another. Here's Hoping  They Realise And Along The Way Solve The Problem Of The Missing Diamonds.

I Loved This Easy Flowing Read As Always Is The Case With Lauren And I For One Can't  Wait To Find Out. Bring On The Heist.

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This romance has everything - a light humor filled connection between the hero and the heroine, a mystery that BEGS to be solved, and a cliffhanger to give you a kick that even the caffeine couldn't! And I enjoyed every moment of this ride, even if I was left hanging at the end (but fear not, I had the next book already ready in my Kindle :P).

Jake Harlowe is a bounty hunter and we are introduced to him in a way that makes a definitely lasting impression - the really really GOOD KIND! We see him retrieve a Stradivarius (EEP!) with a panache that actually reminds of James Bond style of confidence, just without the gadgets and the suit!

But behind the professional, he is more of a family man - the one who adores his nephew and his siblings - and would go to any lengths to protect them (Be still my heart!)

On the other hand, we have Steph Anderson aka "Ariel", a kick-ass scuba diver, who only now is getting to the good times after her ex destroyed her professional reputation and her Step-Father and Mother just went through a nasty divorce!

She has the support of her strong mother and her brother, yet she has the gumption of a 3 year old kid - she never gives up!

The clincher, for me though, is the mystery of the money and the jewels - you just HAVE to KNOW WHAT exactly happens and WHY! I literally couldn't stop myself from reading on - because I JUST needed to find out what happens next - to assuage my curiosity of course!

Jake and Steph's chemistry scorches, but it is their 3-dimensional characterization that pretty much steals the show along with the beautiful writing - the fact that they think with their brains, rather than their lust got a LITERAL HUZZAH, from me! :D

 I really can't say more than this - BUT KNOW THAT THIS ENDS WITH A CLIFFHANGER - the next book though will be released soon - NEXT MONTH!

So go forth! Enjoy your ride on this roller coaster :D

If you have an imagination mine, and by that I mean, you actually convert those words into pictures in your head with vivid detail, then this book IS FOR YOU!

It has the best kind of imagery that a reader could ask for and one that will definitely make sure that I come back to the other books by Lauren Blakely that I have sitting pretty on my Kindle :D

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The Sapphire Affaire is a fun, fast read, and Jake and Sophia have a lot of chemistry together,

I didn’t feel like The Sapphire Affair was as fast-paced or funny as some of Blakey’s other novels (Big Rock, etc.) though, and it ends on a cliffhanger—so readers beware.

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Crime, romance, and jewels. When you discover that you might've gotten a little too close to the enemy, what will you do? Heat, secrets, and a score to settle. What will happen?

If you want to know what happens you'll have to read the next book. If you're not into cliffhangers, this might not be the book for you.

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Jake and Steph have sexual chemistry through the roof from the moment that they meet. Jake is handsome, rugged, dirty talker, and very good with his hands. Steph has the ability to keep the verbal and sexual banter going between her and Jake which leads to some very HOT scenes. Since this book is part one of a two book series I found it to be slow. Love the story line, great writing as always by Lauren Blakely. You honestly can not go wrong with a Blakely book. The characters are in depth, funny at times, and take you to a whole new world with each book you read. Beautiful setting for a heist story. Lauren Blakely writes a love scene like no other author I have read before. HOT!!

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Exciting, intriguing story of a woman who is finally putting her life back together again after being screwed over by her lazy, vindictive ex. Steph's mother also had a terrible breakup with her second husband, Steph's stepfather, who fought tooth and nail to give Steph's mother nothing in the divorce. When Steph meets a gorgeous stranger in a tropical paradise, little does she know that he's been hired to find what happened to the millions that Steph's stepfather has siphoned off of the fund he ran until his recent retirement to the Caymans. Hot chemistry and cool gemstones!

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Get ready for a treasure hunt that will mak all hot and bothered and excited from Lauren Blakely. The start of a 2 part book is becoming hot right now. The first, Sapphire Affair, we see the makings of a couple who are seeing how much they like each other in a way they next expected. I loved that Jake is a man who has never thought of the what ifs just playing life by ear yet when it comes to Steph he is well bamboozled. Steph now in all counts at times seems innocent but she is far from it when it comes to Jake. This is the first part and cannot wait for the second part between these two and what happens with Eli.

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Ok... I guess I should have read the reviews so that I would at least have been prepared for the HUGE cliffhanger ending. Lauren Blakely literally just stops writing, no wind-up, no signs that the book is drawing to an end, no bye for now ending. The book just has a page that says “If you want to know what happens next, you need to get book 2.” I am absolutely NOT a fan of authors doing this. If the book wasn’t a part of kindle unlimited, I would drop this story like a hot rock. Grrr!
That said, I’m not quite sure how I feel about the whole story yet. We have Jake, who runs a specialized “recovery” business, who is billed as kind of a cross between Indiana Jones and James Bond. The heroine is Steph, who runs her own dive adventures business. Jake is hired by a friend of Steph’s mother (who was also a previous business associate to Steph’s former step-father) to investigate the disappearance of $10 million from their company’s investment funds. Steph takes a trip to the Caribbean to run a dive tour and also snoop around on her ex step-father at the request of her mother. The two meet up and join forces in the investigation, while struggling through trust issues and attempting to ignore a growing attraction.
I thought the chemistry between the two characters was fairly good. I believed the romantic scenes, and they were fairly appropriate for the age of the characters. BUT... the rest? Not so much. Steph has some fairly significant maturity issues that started to get on my nerves. Jake seemed a bit like he was a college kid one minute, and then a wanna-be secret agent the next. I kept expecting to hear the “mission impossible” theme song to start playing, or for a Spy Kids movie to start featuring Jake and Steph. Their actions were not always consistent with their supposed ages (which I’m still not quite clear about as well.)
Overall, I think that parts of this story were good, parts were kinda silly, and that ending... annoyed the crap out of me!
I might borrow the next one through KU just to see if it gets any better, but hopefully Ms. Blakely doesn’t pull this cliffhanger nonsense on her readers again. Give me a full book, or at least a “bye for now” ending. Don’t just stop in the middle of a story like this.
(I received an ARC of this book a while back from NetGalley, but read a finished copy through KU.)

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I really liked this book was good an well written with good characters cant wait for more from this series. would recommend

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