Member Reviews

The Sapphire Heist by Lauren Blakely is a phenomenal read. You must read Book one in order to read and understand Sapphire Heist.

I Highly Recommend this amazing story to all readers.

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You can never go wrong with a Lauren Blakely book. They’re always hilarious and smoking hot. The characters were well developed and three dimensional.

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Well This Book Continued Where The Sapphire Affair Left Off And It Wasn't Slow In Starting With A Bang As They Say. The Chemistry Got Even Hotter And The Sex Was Off The Chart.

This Book Was Absolutely A Cat And Mouse Affair, Not Only With Jake And Steph But Also In The Hunt For The Diamonds.

I Was Left Completely Dumbfounded At THE Length Of The Lies And Mistrust That This Story Contained. I Got A Little Frustrated With It But I Wasn't Left Disappointed At The End.

Well Played Lauren. You Again Made Me Fall In Love With Your Writing, The Story And Especially The Characters. I Recommend With Great Duo of Books

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I was really freaked when The Sapphire Affair (Read My Review) ended on such a cliff-hanger. And while the rational part of me KNEW that there would obviously be logical explanations for the events, but the emotional part of me was freaking out – like totally, freaking out and so the moment I got my hands on this one, I went all in

And I realised that I shouldn’t have worried. Lauren Blakely provided the best conclusion ever – there is angst, there is steam, there is mystery and boy there is banter – I adored every single aspect of this book, but most of all I adored that this one also made me wear my detective hat and had me racing against book itself to actually solve the mystery before the characters did :D

Steph wakes up from one of the best nights of her life to a betrayal and then everything descends into chaos. For Jake, Steph is a complication he does not really need – especially considering that she doesn’t even seem to trust him.

Steph doesn’t really trust Jake, but then again, she doesn’t really trust herself even. Everything she has understood has been a lie and she doesn’t really want face the truths, that could spin her world on its axis and I didn’t really blame. I just wish she could have gone with her gut about Jake and saved a whole lot of heartache!

"She kissed like a dream, and he could get lost in these kisses, in this sweet, feisty, fiery woman."

Even with the hurt and mistrust, the conversations between Steph and Jake are some of the best I have read in a long while And it was one aspect of the book, I thoroughly enjoyed! But what would be the point of sharing laughs, conversations and challenges if they both can’t trust each other? And that, my lovelies is the crux of the matter here!

As for the plot, I think I will leave that for you to unravel – because 99% of the fun in reading this book was becoming a detective yourself – and believe me when I say it is another aspect that you will thoroughly enjoy, for Lauren is the master of such plots!

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The conclusion of crime, romance, and jewels. Another adventure to uncover the truth about the jewels. Will they loose their hearts when all is resolved?

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I am so sorry, but this book just wasn't for me. I usually enjoy this author's work and it had a great premise, but unfortunately, it fell just short for me. I was not able to finish the book. I am not using NetGalley’s DNF feature as it negatively affects reviewers.

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I don't remember much about this book except the cat and mouse relationship was pretty entertaining.

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The Sapphire Heist much more action, in and out of bed. The pace is faster. Totally love Jake and Steph as I have yet to find a Blakely book that I don't like. Lauren Blakely sure can write a HOT love scene and many can be found in this book. I found myself keeping track of characters and trying to determine if/when they would return and what they would be doing good/bad. This is different from the typical books that Lauren writes but just as good. Fun to read about a locale away from the usual NYC, LV, or LA. If this is your first Blakely book totally recommend checking out any of her other books.

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I messed up a little. I saw a hot cover and the name Lauren Blakely and jumped right in without realizing that The Sapphire Heist was book two in a duet- whoops! So yes you should read part one, The Sapphire Affair first or you will be a touch confused as I was in the beginning. But it all eventually catches up and makes sense.

I really enjoyed the chemistry and mistrust between Jake and Steph. These two had so much riding on their "mission" but most of all, their hearts. In a world that is rooted in lies and half truths, these two didn't know who to trust but each other and even then it was shaky. But when they started working together, instead of working their own angle, things started to fall into place.

As for the whodunit...well you're just going to have to read to find out! Jake and Steph's journey was full of fun antics and smokin' hot sexy time and, of course, feeling developing. The big question loomed about what would happen when their mission was complete. Just know, while their Lauren Blakely once again gave me characters I couldn't help but fall and root for and want more of!

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This is not a standalone novel. The story picks up right after the jaw dropping cliffhanger at the end of The Sapphire Affair. Steph and Jake clearly have some trust issues while they’re working to recover the diamonds and bring her father to justice. Their sizzling chemistry is undeniable, but the wounds from their past relationships are getting in the way. With Steph still carrying hope that this is all a misunderstanding, she comes off as more of a liability to the investigation than an asset. Jake is trying to work this case like the professional he is, but getting involved with Steph is causing him to make mistakes he ordinarily wouldn’t make.

When I look at the story as a whole, it’s exciting and interesting and super steamy. When I break down the individual parts I feel that the first novel was stronger than the second. I enjoyed Sapphire Heist, but I guess my expectation was that the story would build to an explosive conclusion, but instead it was a twisting, turning race to an end that was somewhat anticlimactic.

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