Member Reviews

Fans of Davis Way will be delighted and worried about her latest adventure. Both Davis and Bianc are pregnant, Davis with twins. They have set sail on the Casino's newest endeavour, a gambling ship called the MS Probability. This is not really a vacation as Davis has two jobs; the casino's security spy watching over the operations of the debut cruise and to once again serve as casino queen Bianca Sanders's body double. In the beautiful suite, she has Fantasy, her mother, a butler and suite attendant all in tow. They have even snuck her cat, Anderson Cooper on board. This one of the ship's PR people in the suite, there is a glitch and they get locked in. When they realize it is not just a glitch, but that their is a high-tech heist taking place.Can Davis escape? Will she save her boss? Will she deliver early? Will she kill her mother?

With this being the fifth book in the series, I am beginning to wonder if being in or working for a casino is safe. This is a fun story where we find out some very personal information about Davis' past. We also get to see her interactions with her mama, that was a hoot. This story had some bittersweet spots, but most of it was fun. Once again, Davis finds a way to save the day. I am looking forward to her next adventure in Double Jinx.

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