Member Reviews

This book is good, but starts off confusing and a little more world building would have gone a long way in making this story more enjoyable. Overall, it's an okay quick steamy read.

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A rather interesting and unique book, which leaves the reader hungry for more – here’s to hoping it gets a sequel!

Erion is an air elemental who has accidentally found his mate. But he can’t have her. One, Kenna has no idea of her true nature. And two, she is a fire elemental. If they become one, she’s in grave danger. Too bad his heart doesn’t seem to care, and he can’t stay away for long…

It was quite original, concept-wise. We’ve seen dragons and shapeshifters and all kinds of things in stories up till now, but it’s my first time reading about elementals in human form. I really loved that concept – it reminded me of the D&D genasi race, in a way. The idea of dragons acting as some kind of law enforcers was also quite intriguing, and mixed well with the book’s lore.

Speaking of lore, I rather liked the fact we got to see it through Kenna’s eyes. She knew nothing about the world she truly belonged in, and we got to learn about said world right by her side, without having it dumped on us out of nowhere.

The action scenes were intense, and the stakes were raised really high. Life was not the only thing being threatened during battles – the possibility of one’s will and mere existense vanishing was pretty much real. Even during the love scenes, there was the danger of an elemental losing themselves in their lovers, quite literally, dare I say.

The only thing that sort of bummed me out was that I found a plot hole that confused me – that and the ending, though I’ll talk about the latter in a bit. During the mating ritual, Aiden fought Erion and Kenna winked out, right? But then, in the next chapter, she was right there by his side again. I feel like I missed something, but I don’t exactly know what… As for the ending, it was expected – and a relief because I’m a sucker for happy endings – but not really… happy? I mean, yeah, they’re together, but… Erion still hasn’t recovered his powers. So, is he gonna be a human from now on? How does that work?

I honestly want to read more from this author, especially concerning this storyline. I want to see more about the dragons, and Marshall. I just hope we get another book coming, cause this one was awesome!

***I was given an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinion stated in this review is solely mine, and no compensation was given or taken to alter it.***

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This was one steamy book! While I enjoyed the relationship/sex scenes the plot was a bit lacking. There could have been more world building so that the magical elements made more sense and invested the reader more in the story. I was looking for a quick, sexy read and this book delivered .

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Born of fire by Kyann Waters and Tarah Scott.
A slow but ok read. Not sure about this one. I found it very confusing. It was a easy read and I read it though 3*.

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