Member Reviews

It all starts when a skeleton is found in Murfee, Texas. Secrets start coming out and they aren't unicorn farts.
You have the sheriff..or as he is known around town as the "Judge."
His deputy-Chris Cherry, who had left small town life with big hopes for a football scholarship when an injury brought him back home and he ended up working on the police force in the small town.
Another deputy, who is dark as night and dreams sometimes that he is a wolf. (Drugs do that shit to you kids) I totally saw him as this guy.
The sheriff's son, who knows how evil his father really is.
A new teacher in town, she left behind some nasty business and changed her name. She hopes for a new start in a small town.

Several more characters factor into this small town and one good thing the author does is bring each of them to life without getting bogged down with the story or having my simple brain get confused. I read for pleasure not the smarty farty stuff.
The only problem that I found with this book is that sometimes I just wanted something to happen. It takes a whole lotta time just to get going and sometimes I lost interest in the meantime.

I'll still read more of this author since this type of book is totally my peanut butter and
(oh yes the log and I do judge but I loved that dang gif and wanted to use it)

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review

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