Member Reviews

Love this author
I enjoyed the book the plot and character entertaining and it kept me interested the whole time would read this author again

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Hmmmm there were things that worked for me and others didn't. This is a second chance romance. Thanks Netgalley for the Arc

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Overall, I did enjoy this story, even if there were a few things that didn’t quite work for me personally. I’m looking forward to the next Wicked White book!

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(4.25-4.5 STARS)
For me, Wicked Love stand out from the rest of the series with its story telling. While this is a second chance romance, ¾ of the book takes place in the past. So you get the buildup of their relationship and then ultimately the breakdown but we as the reader are there through it all. Avery and Taylor meet while she’s in college. While they’re both attracted to each other Taylor has his reasons for not taking it further. Everything changes though when he’s confronted with the possibility of losing her forever. Unfortunately that doesn’t stop him from leaving her when she needs him the most. I didn’t see the little twist coming so that was unexpected. I loved these two together and the epilogue was the icing on their cake.

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3.5 stars. I loved the beginning of this book. It started of great but the towards the last 30% I feel like it went down hill for me.

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Great book drew me in from start to finish. Will recommend to my friends.

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I enjoyed this book & the cover is perfect for Tyler!!

I like Michelle's writing, I've read her other rock series as well. This book was just as good, but I was hoping for a little more, the end was a little short and left me wanting more. I think a bit too much time was spent on the past and not enough on the present. But over all it was a sting 3.5 stars.

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I liked this series, and was happy to read this book. But, this was sadly not my thing.

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

This is the third and last book in the series and can be read as a stand alone book quite easily.

The book redeems itself from the second book and puts the past first, then the present day. Avery is a strong girl to which a lot happens in just the space of a few months. Her dad is moving them to her Granny's house in a place an awful lot smaller than she is used to, but she makes proper friends here.

Tyler i liked a lot, until he was stupid. I was glad that he was able to redeem himself and prove that he was the man that we had hoped he was.

The plot was good and i felt sorry for Avery, who considering coped really well with the events that were heaped onto her.

Glad we got a good ending, but would loved for Blake to have a story and a chance at a happy ever after.

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I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

After reading this book I found out it was a part of a series but it can be read as a standalone thank god!!
Wicked Love flows Avery and Taylor.
I liked how the story started and how they met was epic. After their initial meeting the book seemed to be filled with some interesting events that I did not see coming.
Now fast forward to halfway through the book and I was left feeling a little disappointed. I felt as if I wasn't go anywhere. The pace of the story changed from steady to slow and there was no real peak in the story line.
I do believe if the story ended in same way in which it started I would have rated it a little higher.

It was an overall OK story with funny characters and a second chance at love twist.

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Tyler left Avery when she needed him the most When he returns to town can she find it within herself to forgive him? What an incredible story.

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