Member Reviews

Adventure, magic, ghosts and love are what lies at the heart of Lauren Oliver's middle grade novel Liesl & Po. The story of the orphaned and isolated Liesl and her new, Other Side supernatural friends Po and Bundle is one that manages to be both illustrated and illuminating. It is the kind of middle grade story that holds appeal for readers of all kinds of age. Lauren Oliver's clever plotting and word choice make salient points about the world Liesl lives in and about our own.

Liesl shares story lines with the spectral Po and with the still-alive Will, the abused and unappreciated apprentice to the Alchemist. Will's storyline intersects with Liesl's in minimal ways (smitten at her window!) at first but the importance of a key mistake leads to an ever-growing interaction and camaraderie between the trio. A smart fairy-tale seeming story, Liesl & Po is anchored by its charming cast of characters and none more so than the main three.

Strong writing, clever plotting, and great characters make Liesl & Po an easy recommendation for anyone who enjoys creative and fresh MG novels.

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