Member Reviews

Perfectly Loved is about a girl in the foster system who meets a boy who wants to save her. The story is in present time where Millie and Dave are now ex-lovers but we don't learn right away why that is. It's obvious Dave never wanted to lose Millie and we don't know if she left him to keep him safe or because he did something he shouldn't have or maybe both. There is a lot to unravel in this story and you don't learn the full truth until the end. The story skips around a lot from the present time to when they were kids and then back further to Millie's life with her parents before she goes into foster care. You learn little pieces at a time like you are solving a puzzle. Unfortunately, most of it is a tragic tale of a girl who can't break free from her trouble past that we later find out is because someone won't let her. Bring the tissues out for this tragic love story.

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