Member Reviews

First let me say, this book has a lot of M/M *ahem* action going on throughout the story. So, if you do not like, or cannot deal with, that kind of stuff pass on by and go look at another book.
Secondly, this story is a new twist in the Heaven versus Hell saga.
In this story the Almighty (aka God) and His angels want to destroy the world, and are trying to bring the Christ child to life to accomplish that scenario. The Leader [aka Satan, The Devil, Lucifer, whatever you want to call him] and some Fallen angels are trying to find the Antichrist to save the world.
Like I said….new twist to the destruction of Earth.

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This one was not for me.

The sex scenes were good, it was the fantasy element that i could not engage with. pity as the writing style was enjoyable.

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