Member Reviews

Great idea for a book and really well executed. A thoroughly good read. Highly recommended. .

overall a good book, reminding the reader that it’s perfectly normal and fine to switch between all the different life aspects -work, home, family...- and that that should all be done without feeling guilty for doing one or the other.

I hope that Samantha Ettus‘ book, The Pie Life has found a working woman with kids as reader, because the book is more for her, although Ettus claims it’s for everyone. The principle is very easy to understand: that life is very diverse and can be compared to a pie, whose slices are each very different and all taste delicious. She advocates going from one slice to the next without guilt. She is obviously a very ambitious, very driven woman and it will appeal to women who are aiming for a career equally or more successful than their partner. Although I am a full-time working mother, I didn’t resonate much with the book, probably because I have never felt any guilt about working and in France and especially in Paris this is totally normal. I believe American working mothers face a lot more criticism and feel more torn and guilty, in which case the book should help. I also didn’t resonate with the book because my career isn’t my priority at the moment.