Member Reviews

4.5/5 - Whew, what an intense read! I had no idea when I started that so much would be going on in here. Caroline finds out very early in the story that her husband has been having an affair, and-to make things more complicated-the affair is with a man. It’s heartbreaking and painful enough to watch Caroline struggle with the “Why?” behind her husband’s deception, but it was thought-provoking to add Caroline’s feeling that she never really knew her husband because otherwise, how could she have missed something so substantial about him? I felt anger, shock, and grief throughout while Caroline came to terms with Adam’s betrayal, and betrayals by a few other people on her life as well.

There is hope in here too. But man oh man, Caroline has to really work to get to the point of feeling it.

I think ultimately this book is about trust and where to turn when people you love damage that trust. How to cope with something so devastating. We’ve all been hurt before, so I think this book will resonate with everyone at least in some way. It’s exceptionally good. But my gosh, reading it gave my emotions a workout. The author did a phenomenal job with the complexities of a situation like Caroline’s.

I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. Thank you for the opportunity to read it.

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Results May Vary by Bethany Chase

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Ballantine Books
Release Date: August 9, 2016

Fiction (Adult), Drama, Marriage, Divorce, Relationships

Caroline and her husband Adam go to an art gallery for a photography event. Caroline notices one of photos of a model has a birthmark like her husband’s. When she looks at Adam, she sees the distress on his face and realizes the photo is really him. He was having an affair with a man. The story continues Caroline’s journey to finding herself and heal after the disaster at the art gallery.

The story has a steady pace, the characters are well developed, and it is written in the first-person point of view. The author descriptive writing style makes the reader feel as if they are in story. You can feel the cold weather of Massachusetts and heights of the Grand Canyon. I read it in one day; I liked it that much. If you like emotional dramas, you will enjoy this book.

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I am so sorry I waited so long to read this At times it was a bit rough and sad but all in all it was a very endearing read

My thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

(very late review but I vow to catch up on all)

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I have tried to get into this book, and I did put it down and came back to it later. I just cannot get into it. The main character is someone I find myself disliking, so this will be a DNF for me.

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I read this book up to around 45% but I was stopped because not only was I struggling to move forward with the story, I was just not connecting to the female lead, Caroline.
The emotions in the story... I guess I was expecting something different from what Caroline was going through. The premise was promising, which was one of the reasons why I had requested the book but it failed to hit the mark with me.

Note:- The book is rated 1 Star since I DNF'd the book.

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I enjoyed this book about an art curator who finds out her husband is having an affair with a man. They try to move forward given her husband's confusion.

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I am sorry for not reviewing fully but I don’t have the time to read this anymore. I believe that it wouldn't benefit you as a publisher or your book if I only skimmed it and wrote a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for not fully reviewing!

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I read this a while ago, but forgot to enter a review. I rated it 4 starts on Goodreads, but I didn't write a review. I really liked it, but I don't remember much about it now 3 years later.

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I was excited to read this after enjoying Bethany Chase's book in the past, but was disappointed with the direction the story took. This one was not for me.

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I didn't think I would love a book more than her first! This one was even better!

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First of all, I love Bethany Chase for choosing this topic to write about it because, unfortunately, this is a reality that many women have to face. I actually have a friend that went through this several years ago, although her situation was even more challenging considering that they had children together. Anyhow, any news of an affair is devastating, but I’m not sure what the personal impact would feel like knowing that your husband cheated with another man. Worse because it’s so unimaginable? Better because of the realization that it is an innate sexual orientation thing so don’t take it personally? Regardless, it’s deceit, and I found myself completely immersed in Caroline’s journey after learning about Adam’s indiscretion.

Anyone that has been through a divorce can relate to the roller-coaster ride of emotions that Caroline experienced. From elation at being free to recreate yourself to loneliness watching other couples building on a new and exciting relationship. Bethany Chase beautifully captured Caroline’s ever-changing feelings about her marriage, her divorce, dating again, sex with someone new, and even what color to paint the walls.

Results May Vary is such an honest and reflective novel about the relationships in our past and possible relationships for the future. It prompts you to wonder how well you ever really know someone, but also urges you to get to know yourself. Moreover, the author reminds us of the beauty and peace that accompanies forgiveness and acceptance, regardless of how long it takes. I am so happy that I finally read this novel and only regret not reading it sooner.

*Thanks to NetGalley for providing this novel in exchange for my honest review!

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When I saw Results May Vary was available to request I was excited because I had read Bethany Chases The One That Got Away last year and I loved it!

I was not disappointed with this book. I love her writing style, the characters she creates. I think Results May Vary is a novel about finding yourself when your world is completely turned upside down. Makes you think if the life you know now is stable for lack of a better word.

I was completely immersed in Caroline's complex and messy life. Seeing her having to deal with the outcome of being told her husband had an affair with another man would make anyone go a little bit insane.

Overall it was a great book that I'd definitely recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for this free readers edition. In exchange I am providing an honest review.

Adam and Caroline Hammond have been together for half their lifetime - or pretty close. 17 years and going strong. Well, Caroline thought they were going strong until she discovers Adam has cheated on her...with a man. All of a sudden she's thrown into a tailspin that has her questioning everything she thought she knew about Adam, herself, and their life together. As she tries to suss out what's truth and what's not Caroline starts to question who she is as well. Who is she without Adam by her side? Who is she without the last name Hammond? Who is she at night, home alone, and no prospect of Adam breezing through the door at some point? It's a story of a couple, in their early thirties, finally coming of age.
Results May Vary is Bethany Chase's second title. I really liked this story of betrayal, truth, commitment, and taking chances. I enjoyed Caroline's journey and navigation through her shock, dismay, and realizations. All of those things ultimately contribute to the healing and growth that is necessary for all of us. This was a quick, easy, and enjoyable read and I'm keeping my eye on Bethany Chase from now on.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Random House Publishing Ballantine for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
What happens when you find out your husband is having an affair and then on top of that find out the affair is with a man. This is the situation facing Caroline and it causes her to question her whole life, her relationships and whether she can move past this betrayal and stay with her husband or put her marriage in the past and move forward with a life on her own terms.
I found the story to be unique and the characters to be portrayed very realistically, although I found some of Caroline's introspection to take up a bit too much of the book. Overall this was an interesting read, I've always enjoyed books by this author.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Random House-Ballantine Books for the ARC for my honest review. Haven't read this author before. I give it 3.5 stars. It is a complicated but fun read. Romance, betrayal, issues much like real life. I think most people know someone who has been cheated on and can relate.

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Loved this book
Didn't want it to end
Highly recommended

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This is a fiction title about a women with a seemingly happy marriage that finds out her husband is having an affair with a man and is gay. She struggles to rebuild her life and find out who she truly is, she finds she is a different person and her life begins anew. A nicely told story with a happy ending.

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I kept thinking this book would get more complex and that the narrator would start being less predictable. There were some moments of ingenuity, and I don't regret spending the time reading it. But it didn't feel fresh, and the ending was a little too neat.

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THis book was a very good read! It does show how someone is able to rekindle with their sister and start a new lovelife with someone they work with! I think this would be an awesome book for someone who needs to move on from an ex-lover or a death in the family.

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I really enjoyed this book by Bethany Chase! I was originally drawn to the beautiful cover and the title, but then I have been known to purchase wine based on the label...eek. I don't do chick-lit or women's fiction books often, but when I do, I like a well-constructed story, with characters that come alive.

I felt like this story was very believable and I was pretty much immediately sucked into the book. Bethany is a great writer, and I will definitely pick up her other books.

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