Member Reviews

This book is absolutely mesmerizing! I grieved and prayed and cried along with her parents, Kelley and Thomas French. Tom was a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist and he and his wife, Kelley, are both award winning journalists. So I expected impeccable writing when I read about the authors. Such a tiny tiny little warrior, Juniper fought through what seemed like too many obstacles. Tom and Kelley had to sit helplessly by and watch the doctors and nurses work their magic.
I taught a Preschool for Developmentally Delayed in a public school in North Carolina and many of the children in my class were preemies. Tom and Kelley worried that Juniper, or Junebug as they called her, would also have developmental delays. They longed to hold her and were terrified to hold her. They watched as cubicles became empty and blankets were drawn over a lump in the incubator. They knew they could be next. Any day. Any moment. They had longed for this child, this daughter. Juniper is the answer to their dreams. Readers simply must read this book. It would definitely be appealing to those who have also experienced life with micro-preemies and/or preemies. I had three perfectly normal daughters, but found this book to be breathtaking!
I rated this book 5 stars and give it the highest possible recommendation.
I received a copy of this book from the publishers and netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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