Member Reviews

This novel covers a lot of genres -humor, romance, mystery, drama... a joy to read and the characters were fun to get to know.

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I’ve read only one other book by Elinor Lipman, The Inn at Lake Devine, years before I started this blog, but I’ve never forgotten it. That says a lot about her writing, and I happily dove into this new offering. It doesn’t quite measure up to Lake Devine, in my view, but it’s a lovely choice for a bit of escapism in a winter that is sticking around longer than it should! The book opens with 30-something Faith Frankel deciding to buy a little house on, you guessed it, Turpentine Lane. Smitten by the two-storey home complete with a delightful pineapple newel post, Faith soon negotiates the buy from the owner’s distant daughter, as the actual owner, Mrs. Lavoie, is in hospital, having tried to commit suicide. Faith then finds out the woman’s first, second, and third husbands all died in the house. She also learns her father has left the matrimonial home to become an artist, which quickly leads him into an affair with a younger woman, what he calls love he’s never known before. No wonder, then, that Faith is undergoing a fit of doubt about her own love life, since her “fiance” (who tied a red string on her finger rather than presenting an engagement ring) is trekking across the U.S. to find himself, not to mention former girlfriends if his Instagram feed is anything to go by. With the support of a steady co-worker named Nick and her loyal brother Joel, Faith investigates the truth of the history of her new home, leading to an unexpected visit by the police who would like a closer look at those steep cellar stairs… Lipman’s sharp writing and appealing characters, including the delightfully nasty Mrs. Lavoie, results in a funny and tender story that never strays into cloying. My thanks to publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for the advance reading copy provided through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
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On Turpentine Lane
On Turpentine Lane by Elinor Lipman

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In 1999 I stumbled upon The Inn at Lake Devine and chose it to be featured at a Reader's Advisory Workshop where I was speaking. Elinor Lipman turned out to be a 'life author' for me. Her stories are what I call literate chic-lit but they are more than that.

Here's what I wrote in an earlier review on my blog:

She is the Jane Austen of her time. Language, dialogue and sentences are precise and exactly right. And you will want to be friends with all her characters. She deals with what could be uncomfortable topics that are part of our lives in a way that makes them palatable.

THE FIRST LINE: "If I hadn't been naive and recklessly trusting, would I ever have purchased number 10 Turpentine Lane, a chronic headache masquerading as a charming bungalow?"

THE STORY: Faith Frankel has returned to her hometown at the age of thirty-two to work for her private school writing thank you notes to wealthy donors. In the meantime, her fiance has abandoned her and is finding himself on a cross country walk. He's too busy to get in touch with her but posts pictures of himself with the women he is meeting on his trek. Luckily Faith has support from her office mate Nick Franconi. (Can you see where this is going?)

WHAT I THOUGHT: This screwball romantic comedy is funny, poignant, and a little outrageous. If you want a lovely, well-written escape from today's politics, you can't go wrong with Elinor Lipman. Highly recommended.

Title: On Turpentine Lane
Author: Elinor Lipman
Genre: Chic-Lit
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
No. of Pages: 320
Copyright: February 14, 2017
ISBN-10: 054480824X
ISBN-13: 978-0544808249

Disclaimer: An advanced reading copy (ARC) of this book was provided to me by Houghton Mifflin and Net Galley for an honest review.

ELINOR LIPMAN is the author of ten novels, including The View from Penthouse B and The Inn at Lake Devine; one essay collection, I Can’t Complain; and Tweet Land of Liberty: Irreverent Rhymes from the Political Circus. She lives in Massachusetts and New York City. (from Amazon.

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On Turpentine Lane is a delightful book!! I could hardly put it down, and it made me laugh aloud. Mysteries are my favorite genre, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover 10 Turpentine Lane offered more mysteries than the average address. Having spent my career in academia, I found the details of school fund raising spot on, and I recommend this title to anyone working in that area. I also recommend it to anyone who enjoys a well-written, humorous book that accurately portrays the intricacies of today's personal and family relationships. Well-done Ms. Lipman!

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Years ago, I read Lipman's novel The Family Man and enjoyed it; her novels are great when you need a light pick-me-up, and this one hit the spot. Lipman's characters seem to be a little quirky, a little idealistic and, some days, this is just what I need!

"Clearly I was in a confessional mode, which happens when a person is drinking coffee with three police officers at her own kitchen table. Having taken a mental health day, I found myself confiding to the female among them that the possible homicide under investigation wasn’t the only creepy thing associated with my house."

Faith Frankel is a witty, sarcastic, lovable protagonist and, while somewhat predictable, the story kept me entertained during a weekend when I needed a little break. Enjoy this one outdoors, with a cup of tea, and get ready for some smiles.

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What a fun little book! Loved Elinor Lipman's writing. Pure enjoyment with a dash of quirkiness!

The story is all about Faith Frankel who buys a house on Turpentine Lane with some unexplained history. Enter her well meaning but meddling family and her level-headed workmate/friend Nick. It's a great story told in a very different and amusing way.

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I have read and enjoyed Elinor Lipman’s books since the 1990s—hence I was thrilled to be approved to read her latest novel prepub.

I was asked to hold the review until the date of publication—2/14/17. Not a coincidence that it is being released on Valentine’s Day as it is [sort of, methinks] a love story.

Faith Frankel, leaves Brooklyn and returns to her suburban hometown as a thank you [for your donation] letter writer for her private high school alma mater. She buys a [questionable/mysterious] house on [10] Turpentine Lane. Meet Nick Franconi, office mate. Throw in her oddball parents, brother, and ex-fiance [no real spoiler alert needed].

A well-written easy breezy fast read. BUT. Not the Elinor Lipman I have long admired. Though I love an escapist novel, at some point I found myself thinking—what? Wait? Why does this seem like I’m [almost] reading Janet Evanovich?! [though Lipman is a far better wordsmith and novelist; Evanovich is purely a very lite read—no real comparison].

So. I found this a solid 3.5 but am upgrading for no reason other than I like Lipman and the prose didn’t make me cringe [though one time I thought it verged on the edge of treacly” and found it rather madcappish. Not hiding my disappointment in that this wasn’t a bit deeper.

Some phrases I did note:
“conversational hopscotching’ and
“… pick someone with whom you could have an amiable divorce?”

Diverting and entertaining. Lighthearted fun. BUT predictable, too neat and too slight. I expected and wanted more.

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I've enjoyed many of Elinor Lipman's earlier novels, The Inn at Lake Devine, was an all time favorite, but, I must say, On Turpentine Lane, runs a close second -- such a fun read. Our protagonist, Faith Frankel has a so-so job in the Development Department of a private day school that she had attended. Her boyfriend Stuart, is a loser who has taken advantage of her and is now off on a cross country walk to find himself. Before leaving he gives Faith a piece of red-string (a symbol of his commitment to her). He also asks for her credit card to help with expenses. Meanwhile, Faith has purchased a rock bottom priced 2-bedroom - 1 - bath, bungalow, "On Turpentine Lane", unaware of the houses history and that the police will soon be knocking on her door. life is interesting for Faith; she has a charming new office mate named Nick, a meddling mother, a father who is having a mid-life crisis, a bachelor brother and added to the mix are a few other quirky characters that together make this story shine. Lipman's sharp dialogue and insight into the human psyche made this novel such a treat. (4.5 stars - be sure to try it)

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On Turpentine Lane is a breezy novel by Elinor Lipman. The story is set in a fundraising department of a private school in Everton, Massachusetts where Faith Frankel works. She has returned to her hometown and purchased a home on Turpentine Lane. Lipman finds comedy everywhere. Frankel's fiancee, her family, her house and her handsome coworker are all targets. I would call this a beach read, but it's February. This is a great book to cozy up with-anytime of the year.

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A light, sweet read. This is a perfect antidote to today's headlines, a warm, relatable love story that's pure enjoyment.

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Elinor Lipman is one of my favorite authors and her newest novel just affirms that. Lipman's trademark quirky characters, madcap plots, and gentle, intelligent humor infuse this story with fun, charm and laughs.

An ensemble of odd people in impossible situations thread through the book. In addition to our main characters Faith and Nick and their sweet romance, we have an assortment of narcissistic ex-lovers, funny siblings, strange parents, and a few cops. There is a bit of a mystery concerning some photos of babies that turn up in the attic and the previous owner's life history that gets admirably sorted out by the end.

Thank you Net Galley for a free ARC in return for this review. If you haven't read Elinor Lipman, what are you waiting for?

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Tired of waiting for her fiance to return home from his crowdfunded walk across the country -- he's not making much progress, after all -- Faith buys a small fixer-upper home in her hometown, where she works writing thank you notes to donors of her alma mater. When she finds some things in the attic that have been left behind by the previous owner, it raises all kinds of questions, and no one will listen to her except her officemate, newly-dumped Nick. One thing leads to another, but will Faith's questions -- all of her questions -- be answered? And will she like the answers she's given?

The primary storyline between Faith, Stuart, Nick and Brooke was predictable almost from the very first pagge of the book, and the antics of Faith's family remind me of Meg Langslow's family in the series by Donna Andrews. But the mystery, if it really counts as a mystery, kept me guessing for a good part of the book. I'm not a big romance reader, but I will keep Ms. Lipman in mind when I'm looking for a romantic comedy book.

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Coming back to write this review, I just can't keep from laughing. Poor Faith Frankel has got the biggest idiot that ever lived for a fiancee. I'm sorry but if you read this book, you will know. How she never saw that until he decided to do a marathon across America, I will never know.

Luckily, she does discover that fact.

This was a cute little romance book that has plenty of chuckles. For those of you who care - there is no sex. I really enjoyed hearing about the exes, the best part was when they portrayed themselves however. The author did a great job with their characters. She left nothing to the imagination. I loved the "date" Faith found for Brooke after she broke up with Faith's fiancee.

Oh and the deal with Faith's father and Tracy - HILARIOUS. He so deserved it. I hope you can tell that I really, really enjoyed this book. Entertaining, endearing, enjoyable and downright funny.

Thanks Houghton, Mifflin and Harcourt for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

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As always, Lipman delivers a strong, funny, sad, interesting read. The author's voice rings true throughout bringing every character alive and making each situation possible in the world created. No two books alike yet each a satisfying and worthwhile way to spend a few hours

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