Member Reviews

I honestly could tell by the writing of the first 2 chapters that it wouldn't be a good fit for our box and had to put it down. I may read it again in the future!

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I was expecting something different from this book after reading Norwegian By Night by the same author. That was a mystery and a meditation on the past. Actually, I suppose this book is also a meditation on the past, but not by old men, just men older than when they saw horror.

This felt like a mens' book to me. It's about camaraderie found during the ridiculous deadliness of battle, about shared trauma, and about redemption. It's got a smart wisecracking soldier, too smart for the situation he's stuck in. It's got a naive journalist, too naive about the danger around him. And it's about a girl they couldn't save. It feels sorta Catch-22. That tone of mockery and lightheartedness because it's really all too terrible to be able to feel.

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Loved this book
Didn't want it to end
Highly recommended

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Engaging political commentary written with a 'Catch-22' cynicism and humour.
Thoroughly enjoyable, compulsively readable. A must read for fans of political wartime commentary. Highly recommended.

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Don't be misled by the title. It's not a gone-girl-on-train kind of thing. It's sort of a war novel set in Iraq during Desert Storm, then jumps ahead to "peacetime" Iraq, circa 2013. Isis is just getting going, and there are refugees everywhere. Even though horrible things happen in the story, it is often funny and ironic. As one character says, "We are just trying to do the best for each other when the world is doing its worst."

from On a Clear Day I Can Read Forever

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Despite the despicable American soldier/veteran, this is a great read. A true page turner. Sprinkled across this story of people trying to find some sort of redemption in or around war zones are truth bombs; delicious bon mots criticizing war, the armed forces, as well as the NGOs and peacekeeping forces that stay behind which heightened this reader's pleasure throughout.

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I cannot read this format; :-( Sorry. I need mobi for my Kindle.

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