Member Reviews

I think since this was part 3- we’ll book number 3- I should have read the other two first. It was a good book, but I should have done more research on it before jumping right on in.

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The beginning of this book really captured me, I liked that the author gave the female lead more challenge by writing a storyline where Chase's lack of hearing was explored, the way she was treated and how she felt; the incidents, particularly with her father, that shaped her into the independent feisty woman she was in her early 20's.

I really liked Caden's character, he sounded genuinely warm, fun and friendly and clearly adored Chase and treated her with great respect.

I personally found the lengthy sex session descriptions a bit of a distraction from the plot, but maybe that's because I wanted to pick up the pace to find out what they would do with Doofus and to meet Amanda, Brendon and Tanner, they sounded like they would be interesting characters too.

All in all, a reasonable read but it did drag a bit in the middle but picked up again toward the end. Perhaps I need to read the others in the series that came before this.

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*4 Stars*

Copy kindly received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This has been on my back log of NG books for so long, and with the #Reviewathon they're currently running, I've been trying to get through as many as I can, so I can catch up, and be as up to date as possible. I really should've given this book a go much earlier that I did, especially considering how long it's been sitting on my kindle.

I liked both Chase and Cade, and I really liked that the author has written a main character who is not what everyone would consider "normal". Being deaf is not something that a person can help, but they sure get treated differently because of it, and it was nice to see that highlighted in this book.

Whilst Chase is struggling with what she wants, who she likes, and accepting herself, Cade knows what he wants and isn't going to give up (even if it is all a little too insta-love). He's a really compassionate and wonderful male lead in this book.

With some great secondary characters like Amanda, Brendan and Doofus. And some not so great ones like Donald the Douche, and Chase's Dad.

I would be interesting in reading the other books in this series, and would recommend.

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This new adult romance book had everything you'd expect from a romance, with extra bits thrown in. I enjoyed reading it, and might pick it up again.

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This was an NA contemporary romance featuring a girl who had hearing difficulties.

Chase and Caden were both okay characters, although I think I liked Caden most. Chase was a little prickly at times, and seemed to like to a bit of drama, while Caden was a bit more laid back.

The storyline in this was okay, although I had a hard time with the way the book was written as if the characters were talking to the reader at the beginning. Thankfully this changed though, and the book improved. The romance in this seemed to happen quite quickly for me, but I’m not sure whether this was because some groundwork had been laid in the previous books which I had missed. There were some steamy scenes in this book that were enjoyable though.

The ending to this was okay, although I did lose interest a bit before I got to the end.

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5 out of 5 stars! Yes, Caden loves his cousin like a brother and would do anything he can for his cousin’s family (and has on more than one occasion) but that isn’t the real/only reason he travels whenever he could to San Diego, California during his time off from his university in Australia. The real reason is because of his cousin’s sarcastic, snarky, big hearted sister-in-law Chase (Chastity). He has been in love with her from just about the beginning of their “relationship” and now he just has to prove it to her any way he can. But while Chase tries to keep him at bay, others conspire against them. Will Caden’s actions be enough to win her heart for good or will he fumble up any chance they have of being together?

I really liked this contemporary new adult romance that is written in a diary style kind of way. It was easy to follow along (as this is the first novel from its Always Series that I’ve read) and I enjoyed how it gave the reader a way of viewing/learning about Caden and Chase’s thoughts on WHY they did the things they did throughout the novel. All in all, it was easy to realize that though Chase and Caden were perfect for one another they both had some growing to do in comprehending what they wanted out of life and each other. In their novel, you get to see their growth, their love for one another, and see how much Chase needed to come to an understanding about her past and what she wanted out of her future. This novel is VERY well written.

Caden and Chase have very similar personalities, though when they had bad things happen to them when they were younger they took very different approaches to life and how they handled the circumstances that are thrown their way. Because of that, it makes for a whole lot of drama in their novel, but the tension that grows finally has them fessing up to their true feelings for each other so it all works out for the best. And how they fessed up …. in truth I was charmed. Together they make a great couple that I rooted for from the start. Their story is one that is unique but meaningful enough that it’ll definitely stick with me.

I HIGHLY recommend this novel to those looking for an incomparable contemporary new adult romance!

Review By: From Me to You ... Video, Photography, & Book Reviews
-- read more of this review and TWO TEASERS on my blog: --

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I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Chase has had hearing problems her whole life. She has has 22 years to accept it and move on, because otherwise she would be suffering for no reason. No, Chase has learned to live with her crappy hearing and makes sure that everyone around her understands that she is not disabled - she just works a lot harder to have a conversation sometimes.

After an intense first semester as an art major, Chase decided that academics might not be the right scene for her at the moment, and is now living with her parents and working at a pet store. But, hey, she's cool with that. Life goals, right?

Plus she gets to see her awesome nephew, Tanner, who beat leukemia cancer at age 2 as much as she wants to, and hangs out with her sister, Amanda, and brother-in-law, Branden, as much as is properly allowed.

The only hitch to her life is Caden - Branden's Aussie cousin. The cousin whose bone marrow matched her nephews and who ended up saving his life. The Aussie who saw Chase for the first time and fell in love with her.

Even though Caden is going through intense veterinarian school in Australia, whenever he has a moment free, he flies to the US to "visit his cousin". Well, yeah, he loves hanging out with Branden and Tanner, but the REAL reason? He needs to see Chase as much as he can to try to convince her that she is just as in love with him as he is with her.

The only problem is that Chase is determined to never fall in love again after the last time she made that mistake. Caden is not taking a hint though... and there is only so many times Chase can turn him down with her permanent scowl on her face.

Put in a jealous ex, an injured, homeless dog, and a disapproving father, and Chase is realizing what she really wants in life and now she has to figure out how to make it come true.

This was a typical new adult novel that I've read before, but I certainly had fun with it because of Caden's persistence, goofy attitude and Chase's fight to fend her herself attitude. These two are hilarious and are always butting heads with each other because they are determined to win what they want - which is the completely opposite of one another, by the way.

The story with Doofus the dog is amazing and I would have been happy with just that, to be honest. Gotta love dogs, and ones that fight to survive as well!

I don't know how Chase fought as much as she did against Caden, because you believe me, if an Aussie falls in love with me, I'd be right there professing my undying love back to him! Though I don't think that living in Australia would be in my future...HAVE YOU SEEN THE INSECTS THERE!?! THEY ARE HUGE!!! I can't deal, man, I just cannot deal...

Overall I really enjoyed this story, and I'd be really interested to read the other books in the series to see how the other characters overcame their issues to have their happily ever ending :)

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