Member Reviews

We Own the Night by Ashley Poston is a delightful little piece of sunshine, and the perfect book to read while laying by the pool. It's quick and brings out all the feelings, while giving you a sweet romance to swoon over. It's surprisingly emotional, though, so wear those sunglasses while reading it! I almost cried a time or two. It's a great recommendation for music lovers, and luckily it stands on its own since I haven't read Song of Us!

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We Own the Night is the second book in the Radio Hearts series by Ashley Poston. The Radio Hearts series is a young adult contemporary romance series. I never read the first book in the Radio Hearts series, and I wasn't lost so I believe each of these books can be read as standalones. I believe they each focus on a different member of the friend group. We Own the Night was a super cute, fun and heartwarming story. I really enjoyed it and when I was done I had a big smile on my face. My only wish is that the book was little longer because I wanted the fun times to keep on going. 

We Own the Night is Ingrid's story. Ingrid is just an ordinary teenager that has a secret identity- on Saturday nights she becomes niteowl- a radio talk show host. I absolutely loved watching her become niteowl. Her radio hosting stints were my favorite part of the book. I felt like it was when Ingrid could really let loose and shine. It was great to watch her gain the confidence to bring that aspect of herself over into her real life. I really felt for Ingrid in real life. There is a bit of bullying in We Own the Night, so if that is a trigger for you, be forewarned. But I thought it was a great theme to show Ingrid's growth as a character. Her journey was an emotional one, and not always fun emotions, but overall it felt so, so satisfying to me. 

I enjoyed the friends group as well. I didn't love all of the characters, and I found their friendships to be very realistic and indicative of high school. Friends bicker, and fight and there are frenemies. It made me want to go take a look at the first book and see who it was about, because I have a feeling that their story would be just as fun and satisfyingly as Ingrid's was for me. If you are a fan of young adult novels that feature realistic friends (where you won't love everyone), and a great journey of self discovery and character growth, then I think you will really enjoy We Own the Night! This was a really good story.

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We Own the Night is a cute, heartfelt, sweet and hilarious story about romance and summer adventures. There's also brooding characters to balance it out and to appeal to readers who love our brooding heroes.

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I wasn't able to get into this one. I tried until 43% and decided it just wasn't for me. Thank you for the opportunity to read this title.

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I was unable to read this title before the publication and at the moment, I have lost interest in reading the title. Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read the book early.

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Ingrid North has a secret identity; at night she is radio host Niteowl, who hosts a popular talk show in her small Nebraska town. In love with her best friend Micah, she is crushed when he goes after her mean girl co-worker. Ingrid is desperate to escape her small town and stop obsessing over Micah. But her grandmother is getting worse, and Ingrid can’t imagine leaving her.

Then there is the mystery caller who keeps urging Ingrid to be honest with herself. This pushes Ingrid into dreaming about her future and taking control of her life.

Really Lovely Read!

Pub Date June 28th, 2016.

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Not having been much impressed with the first Radio Hearts book, The Sound of Us, I wasn’t that excited to read We Own the Night, but I’d requested the egalley so I was determined to give it a fair shot. Thankfully, this one had less mistakes and a much better ship.

Thankfully, We Own the Night is very much a companion and not a direct sequel to The Sound of Us. Set in Nebraska, We Own the Night is the story of Ingrid North, who secretly DJs as Niteowl. She’s also secretly in love with her best friend Micah, which is unfortunate because he’s falling for Heather, one of the many people in town who’s bullied her for being fat.

The radio deejay stuff is fun. The cuts from her shows are cute, and I enjoy the banter she has with “Dark and Brooding.” The banter in general is much better than in The Sound of Us, and there are a bunch of fun pop culture references. However, it’s weird that this is set at the same time as The Sound of Us, even though it came out so much later and has recent pop culture references. I mostly really liked Ingrid’s voice, though her constant use of “bless” as a swear was obnoxious.

Billie’s a super sweet love interest (even if the spelling of his name annoys the shit out of me), and I was very into them getting together. I do think, though, that like the first, We Own the Night, while technically a new adult will satisfy YA fans rather than NA fans. There’s no sex in this, and there’s barely even any kissing. I was invested in Billie and Ingrid, though, despite the fact that she should have figured everything out waaaaaay earlier (aka before she was straight up told).

On top of that, I liked the resolution of the drama with Micah and the stuff with her grandmother. The cameo by tie-in character Jason Dallas was surprisingly cute, and I wouldn’t mind a book about him. Her best friend LJ was awesome too, and she didn’t get totally shafted plot-wise as happens to some lesbian besties.

Much better than its predecessor, I enjoyed We Own the Night. It’s still not quite there and would have benefited from some stronger editing. I’m now more confident in Ash Poston’s forthcoming Geekerella.

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