Member Reviews

This is a really fun collection of stories that turn traditional tropes of villains onto its head. Some stories were stronger than others, and the really strong ones really stick in the mind. I've read this book some years ago, but even now I remember most of the stories.
I feel that the retelling of Medusa's tale was especially well done. Most people know Medusa only as a snake-haired woman whose gaze turns things to stone. However, what isn't as known is that Medusa was more victim than villain. She was cursed into her monstrous appearance because Poseidon raped her on the steps of Athena's temple. Villains, Inc. doesn't mention this history, however it does successfully show Medusa to be a victim in more subtle ways, for instance by showing how lonely her exile is. Villains, Inc. also took a not insignificant liberty with Medusa's curse, which is the kind of thing that I normally dislike, but it's done so well and ultimately in such a heartwarming affirmative purpose that it made me fall in love with the story.