Member Reviews

Having read the Kathleen Turner series, I knew that Tiffany Snow was an amazing author. That series raised my expectations of Mystery Love Triangle trope books to new heights. But I was still surprised to find that the characters of this book managed to live up to that level of chemistry and uniqueness.

Right away the heroine is established as a nuanced and full established character that I had no trouble relating to. It was actually refreshing that China was fleshed out with realistic interest and not the stereotypical romance novel girl hobbies. Everything from the shows she watched to the way she overthinks things that to most would be trivial, seemed to just hit right for me.

The two love interest for this book were each able to connect and understand China in different ways that felt unique to them. And while the love triangle trope was expected, I was still surprised at how deftly it was done. Right away I was rooting for Jackson to "get the girl" but Clark aka Superman swooped in and had me questioning right away who is actually the right person for her.

While I could be satisfied with reading book one, my curiosity won't quell and I can't wait to find out where book two takes me.

*Originally received an arc copy but purchased my own eBook and audiobook via Amazon
*Review has been posted to Amazon and Books a Million sites as well but are currently pending and should publish within 48 hours.

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Unfortunately this did not grab my attention and I find her characters in this book to be too similar to her other series.

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This book was my first by this author. I wasn't crazy about it to be honest. I don't know if it is because I wasn't in the mood for this genre or what, but I didn't love this book.

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I laughed my way through 'Follow Me.' China is obviously a high functioning individual on the spectrum with a high IQ. Her quirkiness, geekiness and obsession with routines had me in stitches. I love how cute she is with her SciFi fandom collections, harlequin book hunting and her little daily rituals.

I also loved her niece, Mia, who was also gifted but not socially awkward like China. I loved how she gave China a helping hand in getting ready for dates.
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I enjoyed this romantic suspense. It was a good start to a series. I loved the main character, China Mack, computer prodigy and programmer for a company called Cysnet. China's boss, Jackson Cooper, and her neighbor, Clark Slattery, were also interesting characters. Her runaway teenaged niece, Mia, also added to the story.

As people on a project China is working on begin to turn up dead, it becomes obvious that something dangerous is going on. China, who thrives on routines, is thrown by all the changes that have come her way, and now she has to deal with the killer that may have his eye on her.

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I loved this book, China Mac is the geeky girl we all want to be.. Tifffany Snow knows how to take the reader right into the story. there is something for everyone in this book.

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Follow Me has everything I love in a Tiffany Snow book, it’s full of suspense, mystery, action, humour, one amazing woman and two HOT men. It’s a fast paced book once you start you won’t be able to put it down.

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