Member Reviews

Second chance romance, full of angst The love story between Lane and Kale from childhood to adulthood was powerful. There were so many missed chances it's hard not to feel the loss when they stood in each other's own way. It definitely works on your emotions and hard to get invested into the HEA

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I did NOT like Kale. He didn't deserve her. He chose someone else over Lane, over & over, for years. This was definitely about unrequited, at times toxic, love on Lane's part for years. Kale was a weak coward who never fought for Laney. I had some issues with the pacing and closure, which seemed abrupt. It's not a book I'd recommend as it portrays a women not valuing her worth.

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Wowza! What a freaking rollercoaster ride that was. It was also well worth it. But I can’t help but feel like I was also put through that ringer. Books with high angst can only ever be two things for me: extremely good or terribly bad! Luckily this was the former.

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Montlake Romance, for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

This is the first time in i don't know how long that i know i am going to have not only a book hangover after reading but a crying one too.

This book was emotional on SO many levels and the characters so alive that i could not help the tears that rolled down my cheeks as i practically bawled through most of the book.

Lane and Kale have a long history together and grew up together side by side as family friends, however as we navigate through the past and the present we see how close the pair are together through everything they have been through.

Lane has been through a lot with Kale as her best friend and her family by her side, but when two events collide, Lane runs to New York and does not come back until 6 years laters, having not sorted any of her problems out.

This book seriously captivated me and had me so pulled in from the first words that i could not put it down. This is the first book that i have read by this author and there is no doubt that i will be looking to reading more from her.

This was an epic book!

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Okay, I need more from LA Casey! GIMME GIMME GIMME!
I'm feeling a binge read of all her books coming on!

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Gorgeous, emotional story. Lane receives a letter from her brother informing her of her beloved uncle Harry#s death and imploring her to return home after many, many years. The reason for her leaving were complex and heart-wrenching...and now she has to face the music once again. The best kind of pain!

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Right from the start, I was intrigued with Lane's story. The tension was palpable. I appreciated the way the author didn't make the story all about her "imperfections". Lane had issues with her body image and self-esteem, but while these issues contributed to her character, they weren't the sole focus of the story. I think the author did a good job of balancing this information with other story elements.

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Good god this book gutted me. I’m completely spent. LA Casey put me through the emotional ringer with her book, Until Harry. But it is now at the top of my must read recommendations list for others.

I’m not sure if I would refer to this as a friends to lovers or a second chance romance - maybe it’s both. But here’s the deal. For six years, Lane has hid away from her family and from her soul mate, Kale. She’s lived in New York, estranged from them all because it was the only way she knew how to survive seeing the one she loved love someone else. It wasn’t going well but she was surviving. But everything changes the instant when she learns her beloved uncle Harry has died.

Forced to face the life she left and all that she missed but making the choices she did, Lane takes an emotional journey. The plot goes back and forth from the present to the past - reliving all the happy and painful moments in Lane’s life. It’s gut-wrenching and leaves you raw. I felt everything she endured - page after page of heartache and sadness. Yet, you catch these moments where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that even though the battle to get to happily ever after will be hard fought, it will be attained. That Lane and Kale will finally get to find solace and happiness together.

Until Harry is a remarkable book and I cannot suggest that others read it enough. I loved the characters and the world the author created. Don’t miss this book, it’s an unforgettable read.

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This romance took a while to get off the ground and the story behind it is compelling. Enjoy this one!

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This book was a surprise! I didn't expect the emotional levels it would have. The author did an amazing job of taking the reader on an interesting roller coaster ride- the relationship between Kale & Lane was very intense.

I will be reading more by L.A. Casey

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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What a brilliant holiday read this makes.
Great characters and well written story.

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I have bought this book in ibooks and will read and review it soon as I am a fan of the author.

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This book was amazingly written and both loving and gut wrenching and even very ugly face crying. I would so read this book again and again. Can find review on website.

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**ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
I will start by saying.. I really can't find the right words for this book.

Overall, I just felt like it was blah... Yes, I did finish it. However, I think most of the time I was just anxiously waiting to see if it would improve. Sadly, it did not. I always think it stinks to go against the status quo when writing a review. When reading the synopsis and seeing the over 4 star rating I was very hopeful. This book just really fell flat for me.

The things that drove me crazy...
I felt no chemistry or connection between Kale and Lane.
I thought Kale was a jerk and didn't deserve to be given the time of day by Lane.
The story lacked depth and I felt the plot was all over the place. Especially in the beginning, it seems like there are some deep rooted issues to overcome, but they weren't dealt with completely. How can a person go from refusing to even speak to their family for six years to just happily telling them she'll move back after being home for two days? This did not make logical sense to me AT ALL!

If I heard Laney Baby one more time I might have puked.

To sum it up. I didn't hate this book but it would not be one that I would recommend to others.

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My first L.A. Casey book and I picked a doozy to start with. First of all... this one brought me another case of the feels right off the bat. Like, literally the first chapter I had tears streaming down my face and I wanted to hurl my Kindle at someone. Not L.A.... she's too awesome of an author to hurt... but someone was going to get my Kindle to the face for making me get feels. And tears. Jerk. I seriously needed some Midol to get my emotions in check.

This was that book we all know. Not 'KNOW' in the way of plot and predictability. The one we all love to read slowly to consume every detail and fear for the moment you read the dreaded words: "The End." Yet when you aren't reading it you can't wait to get home to pick it up again. And you face punch anyone that talks to you while reading it.

L.A. took me on a beautifully ugly cry read of a friends-to-lovers tale with so many unexpected topsy turvy turns, I needed Dramamine with my Midol. The characters were on task and real. The writing is impeccable.
If you don't have this set to one-click the crap outta of it tomorrow for release, you're just plain crazy. Grab a box of tissues and dig into this wonderfully emotional story.

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This book is simply superb, the writing style was very different to anything L.A Casey has written before.

I'm not going to lie, I cried and that is not something I do much with books.

Lane and Kales story is full of heartache, it broke my heart in places when I was read it.
The book had me all over the place, I didn't know who to love and who to hate.

The whole story is told over their lifetime and it was very easy to follow, which is sometimes difficult when you are working with time lines but it's clearly marked as past and present.

The book is full on angst and heartbreak and I loved every bloody second of it.

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a well written story different from the authors other books, i really enjoyed and couldnt put it down. alot of raw emotion was felt more with this book. cant wait for more

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