Member Reviews

Book 3 about the Quinn Family (Winter Street Inn) This is not a stand-alone, but the third installment of four centered around a single family each Christmas.

This book is slightly different, as it picks up a few months after book two. You see the Quinn family outside of December for the first time. The Quinns are a bit different this time- less chaos, more settling. (Well, except Ava who really just needs to grow up.) Also, I am SO disappointed in Scott.

I look forward to the last installment to see how everyone ends up.

I received an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I very much enjoyed the 3rd book in the Winter Street series.
Some questions were answered, so left hanging, but I just really enjoyed spending more time at the Winter Street Inn.

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Another fantastic installment of Hilderbrand's Winter series with The Quinn family. I love this series so much and can't wait to see where it leads. Too bad that we have to wait a year for the next (and last?) book. Thanks to #netgalley, #elinhilderbrand and #littlebrown&company to the advanced reader copy and a chance to review this fantastic family saga.

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Typically I love books by Elin Hilderbrand. This one fell short for me.

I enjoyed seeing what happened to characters that I have gotten to know throughout the first two books. What I didn't like was the predictability. Yes, sometimes it is nice to read something mindless here and there. To put it bluntly, this was just boring to read. I think Elin Hilderbrand could have told this story a lot better in one longer book rather through multiple like she did. I will continue to read books by this author but this one didn't do it for me. I do not think I will read the final book in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Little Brown & Company for a galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The third in a winter series in which you most definitely need to start at book one, so don't proceed if you haven't read book one or two. This is the continuation of the Quinn family and what I love most about this series is in each book, a lot of the characters get their chance to tell their story where they narrate a few chapters in each book.

In this book, Mitzi and Kelley are back together. Bart is still missing in action. And Ava is in the middle of two guys and trying to make decisions. I loved this continuation of the series. I loved almost all of the characters arcs and loved reading from where they started to where they ended up. These books are so good to read during the holiday season, whether you read all of them in a row or one per year.

I don't always love Elin Hilderbrand's "summer" books due to the plot lines involved, but the plots in these winter books are completely centered on family and I love it. I love the big families with siblings and spouses and kids, the books seem so full of real life and family drama.

Tomorrow I am reviewing the final book in the series, book four.

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I read both this book and the last book in the series Winter Solstice this year. I felt so in love with the Quinn family from the fires two books, which I listened to on audio I was thrilled with the chance to read this book. Hilderbrand didn't disappoint. The characters are true to themselves. Sometimes quirky and humorous, but with great heart and love. The tragedy of their missing son Bart is all that Mitzi and Kelley can think of, and it's a strong story line throughout this book. Ava continues to struggle with her love life, and it's very ingenious the ways she dates men! Margaret Quinn is the mother of the three oldest children and she keeps her relationship with her ex alive, but just removed enough. Patrick and Kevin, the oldest sons are settling down and moving ahead in their lives but their partners aren't always easy.
These books go so much farther beyond a holiday book. I advise reading in order, to see the changes that happen.
Thank you so much to Little Brown.

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Always enjoy the writing of Elin Hilderbrand. Have recommended this series to all of my reading friends.

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I love this author and this book is yet another reason why..

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The only thing that confuse and frustrate you more than family was...former family.

Family centered around an inn, a famous mother whose face is known for news, and her children. Each facing a crisis of a different kind. A son that has come home from prison to a wife that has coped by becoming addicted to drugs. A son that is missing in the Middle East, a daughter that for so long has made her life complicated by not knowing her own needs. This family comes together for the holidays amidst in their own storms of life and the storm of the century.

This is one of those reads that can be an escapism with out any depth. There was so many characters that it was difficult for me to connect. As a disclaimer, this is the only book I have read of the series. Is my curiosity peaked? Yes. It was a clean read that spoke to the storms of life.

A Special Thank You to Little, Brown & Company and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review

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This is the final book in the Winter trilogy by Elin Hilderbrand. One thing I will say right up front is that you need to read this series in order. There are things that happen in one book that lead into the next. I love Christmas stories, I especially love "Christmas Magic" that I have come to expect from so many of them. This is not one of those books. It does not have that magical romance so many Christmas books have, it has something else. This series is a book about a family. A family that has issues, happiness, turmoil, betrayal, love and everything you would expect to happen in a normal family. They just happen to live on Nantucket and have some money. This book ties up the loose ends. It brings the family together through the "Storm of the Century" and solves some outstanding issues. Here is the big but, there is still so much to know about this family. Why does this series have to end? I love these characters, they are like friends and family to me. Wait, there is going to be another Winter story and I can't be more pleased. In October 2017, Winter Solstice will come out. I am not kidding when I say I enjoyed this series and book. It is a family drama, nothing major happens like and earthquake or losing everything in a fire, there are no mass murder sprees, or even a murder to investigate, yet it held me to attention. I wanted to see where this family was going and how it was all going to turn out. Pick up the series and give it a read, you won't be disappointed.

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Enjoyed the final book in a three book series. It was easy to become involved with the characters. Am hoping that there might be one more book next holiday season.

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I am so happy to have been able to read the final book of this series, but so sorry to be leaving the Quinn family behind. I like how many storylines were wrapped up, but feel that another book is in order. Maybe not picking up where this one leaves off, it could be a few years down the road so we know more of what happens. I especially loved reading the descriptions of the Christmas decorations, I miss living in the snow at Christmas, so it was fun to read about their snowy Christmas.

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I loved this book! i made it part of my Christmas Roundup.

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Hilderbrand has written another reliably entertaining installment in this series. I'm not sure you could read this as a standalone even though she does provide a little background (most notably via Kelley but only at the very end) but I suspect that most readers will be long time fans anyway. My one quibble is that there are SO many characters for a relatively short novel. The positive though, is that it is a quick read and made for a nice evening. I was also amused by the fact that she promoted one of her own books but forgave her since she also mentioned Nancy Thayer. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC.

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