Member Reviews

Both lead characters were lacking and the book was a struggle to read did not engage me

Thank you Netgalley for a copy for an honest review

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The heroine couldn't make up her bloody mind and was downright TSTL at times, the hero was written to have a personality of a wet mop...I just couldn't finish.

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#3 in The Bourbon Street Boys romance series


Plot - 4 stars - Toni has always been the badass woman of the group, although she's often reckless and unpredictable. When she and Lucky get together on a wild night, the results are life-changing. And she starts to wonder if she can have a different sort of life.

Writing - 4 stars - As always, Casey grabbed my attention right from the first page. Since we've gotten to know these characters and this setting, it was easy to slide right back into the group and get to know another set of characters a little better.

Characters - 4.5 stars - Lucky is a terrific main character. He's handsome and strong (of course), but he's also warm and loving and not too alpha. I love that he's always happy and got a positive spin on life despite his difficult upbringing. He loves Toni and is just trying to do the right thing, even when he knows it'll annoy Toni. She, on the other hand, is a badass to the nth degree. She's always been tough, but she takes it to a whole other level, which is often annoying and frustrating. I mean, she makes her own life so difficult by being totally negative all the time, about everything. And can she really be that ignorant about pregnancy and childbirth and family? All that being said, I love that she's trying to change. I love that she's crazy about Lucky even though she pretends not to be. I love that she's strong and wants to do her best. Casey has also created a fun camaraderie between the team members, and especially between Lucky and Toni, of course. The team works together and lives together well and realistically, with some problems but also a lot of caring and togetherness.

Title - 3.5 stars - It fits with the format for this series, but I think they've all been a little complicated. I keep forgetting what's "wrong" and what's "right." That being said, this one makes sense at the end when Toni thinks about her life. At that I point I "got" it.

Cover - 3 stars - A sexy and tough-looking guy, but this romance is about two people, and I find it somewhat annoying when only the guy is pictured on the cover. In this book especially, there should be two people featured. Or at the very least, the one person pictured should be Toni, not Lucky.

Overall - 4 stars - Overall, this was another very enjoyable episode in what's been a very good series. The characters are well-built and entertaining. Sometimes they are totally kick-ass, but we also see their vulnerabilities, which makes us love them even more. It was great to revisit with characters from the previous books, especially May. There's great camaraderie between the team members, and the humor Casey includes is quiet but hilarious.

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this book and to be an early reader via NetGalley! However, I will not be writing a review for this title at this time, as my reading preferences have since changed somewhat. In the event that I decide to review the book in the future, I will make sure to purchase a copy for myself or borrow it from a library. Once again, thank you so much for providing me with early access to this title. I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to contact me with any follow-up questions or concerns.

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This is book 3, Wrong Question, Right Answer, in the Bourbon Street Boys series by Elle Casey. I can't tell you how much I love this crew! This book is about Toni and Lucky and their paths to each other. They have been friends since childhood and secretly crushing on each other all of these years. Will no nonsense Toni be able to accept Lucky's romantic advances? This is one that you won't be able to put down!

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This series by Elle Casey is one i must insist on everyone reading. It was fun and dast and worth every minute spent reading.

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All in all, Wrong Question, Right Answer was a decent addition to this series. I took this book for what it is – a fun and light read that put a smile on my face for the most part. Yes, it did end rather abruptly and the ending seemed rushed in my opinion, particularly when it came to the whole suspense sub-plot, but; other than that, I enjoyed this one and am looking forward to more in this series.

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After having this book on my shelf for a long time I ended up losing interest on it so I won't be reading this one.

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It’s been a while since I was back with the Bourbon Street Boys and their beautiful ladies but I slipped back in with ease. All of the books so far have been about the guys but this time it is Toni’s turn. Well to be fair this story is also about Lucky too.

Toni and Lucky have known each other all their lives and even had ‘something’ when they were teens until Toni got lured into a relationship with a guy that was all kinds of wrong for her. We all have those rebellious moments in life right? Unfortunately, this was a huge mistake for Toni and left her with a huge chip on her shoulder and a mistrust of people.

There has always been a simmering attraction between Lucky and Toni but she is a hard nut to crack, she has these huge walls up guarding her emotions but when it comes to Lucky she finds it hard to reign in her feelings. And this is how they ended up sleeping together one night after work…

“He went from being my brother’s best friend and a quasi-member of the family to being my lifelong crush in that moment. I knew it was a mistake, but the heart wants what it wants.”

While this is all going on, Toni is still dealing with things that happened in her past, even though she shouldn’t be. There are some things that should just stay in the past but Toni thinks she needs to make amends with someone before she can invite any love or happiness into her life.

Lucky too is in a bad place at the moment and needs Toni to be his salve. Can I just say that I freaking loved Lucky, he is the sweetest guy who, no matter what life threw at him, remains loyal and devoted to the people he cares about.

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This one is hard for me to review because I have loved every other book I've read by Elle, but this one fell short for me. I just couldn't relate with Toni which made it hard to love this book. I'm still going to continue with this series though.

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Last year I read Wrong Place, Right Time and while I liked it, it didn’t blow me away at all. So, I ended up putting off reading Wrong Question, Right Answer for a long time. Luckily I decided to pick it up last week, and WOW, I wasn’t expecting to love it as much as I did, but I did, I loved it. This book made me smile and cry and I had a smile on my face for almost all of it.

The main reason I loved this book so much? TONI! But let me start with the beginning and say that I found the writing fantastic on this one. I had already loved the writing on the first one, but maybe because I found Toni’s voice so engaging, I loved it even more on this one. It was so much fun.

Like I mentioned (a few times now), I loved loved loved Toni. She was such a unique woman. She was headstrong and confident and self assured. I loved her snark and her sense of humour. But she also had so many confidence issues and she believed that she didn’t deserve anything good in her life because of her past. It made me so sad when she wouldn’t take what was being said to her as truth and always believed that she wasn’t deserving of love and happiness. But I’m glad she had Lucky, because that guy was all kinds of AMAZING and exactly what Toni needed in her life. He loved her fiercely and completely, and he always tried to be in her corner, even if he took his time understanding her reasoning.

I’m a big sucker for friends to lovers romances, and this one was on a slow burn for so long, and it made me so happy by the way it turned out. Toni and Lucky were perfect together, and they brought out the best in each other. These two together were just so darn cute!

This is a very character driven story, but I loved the plot. It was all about growth and realizing that the past doesn’t have to define you. And one action doesn’t dictate how you live your life. That you can be a good person and deserving of happiness even if you have regrets and have done something you hate in your lifetime. I also loved how important the bonds of friendship were for this story, and seeing the growth of May and Toni’s friendship throughout this book.

But even being a character driven story, there was still some major action, with guns and tasers and sticks involved, and my heart might have stopped there for a moment, because I was so worried about Toni, Milli and Vanilli. I cried!!!!


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This is the third book in this fabulous series by Elle Casey. I have followed this series from the beginning, and it just keeps getting better. I have to say that I was curious about Toni, and this book provided me with answers and the most amazing love story.

This one wasn't all completely lovey-dovey. It was rough and rocky and full of heartbreak (of the cry-alone-in-your-room-to-sad-music kind).

Of course, this book wouldn't be complete without the wit and humor that I have come to expect from this author. I was laughing so much during this book. And is a roller coaster guys, get ready and buckle up.

Overall I loved it! It is just what I wanted from this series, short, emotional, and has a happy ending. I can't wait for the next one! Well done Elle Casey, well done.

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I think this might be my least favor Elle Casey book. I have never warmed up to Antoinette “Toni” Delacourte in any of the books in this series. to be honest, I wished that Elle made her a little more likable all along.

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Love this series!!! I have been waiting for this story and it did not disappoint!

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Found it too hard to get into this book. Will try again in the future with this author to see if I can like her books

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3 STARS! This book is #3 in the Bourbon Street Boys series. I started from the beginning which helped to get a good idea for the characters. You can read this book as a stand alone, but for to get the comradely of it all, I start where it all began.
This book is based on Toni and Lucky. You learn more about their past and how they are both dealing with their own issues with the past. It's funny between the two, she's a no-nonsense, ball busting woman and he's a comedic guy that knows her quirks. Toni and Lucky are great together. You get to see them finally turn from friends to lovers that form a bonded relationship. Also thanks to hormones and a slightly drunken night.
I would definitely recommend this book and the series to all my friends.

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