Member Reviews

This book was just an okay read for me. Nothing really stood out and made it a unique mystery, but I did it enjoy the book

The writing style of this book takes a little while to wrap your head around as the timeline jumps around a lot but, once you get used to it, it's quite cool and an interesting way to structure the story. This book has such a great hook and I couldn't stop reading until I'd devoured it whole. The characters were great and, thankfully, didn't slip into stereotypes that couldn't been easy to fall into.

This was an interesting and fairly fast-paced book. I appreciated the dynamic between the three girls and the way that they differed really kept them from being stereotypes. A really strong start to the duology I can't wait to read more from Correy.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harmony Ink Press for providing the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed reading this book.
At first, it was a bit complicated to get used to the different writing style. There was no steady timeline, but the days, weeks, and months kept jumping back and forth between the chapters.
While other readers found most of the flashbacks quite redundant, I really enjoyed getting to know more of the characters and their story. It also kept me reading, because I had the feeling that it is necessary to put all the puzzle pieces of the different days together to get a better understanding of the whole story.
Overall it was a cute, fun, and suspenseful read and I'm looking forward to the second part of it.