Member Reviews

(I received a free copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.)

The Bachelor meets The Property Brothers:
Love, property, and construction. What could possibly go wrong?
From international bestseller Rachael Herron, comes a book too delightful to put down:
Liam Ballard is good at buying houses, fixing them up with his brothers, and flipping them for a profit. When Felicia from the network shows up to offer them a reality show (the brothers renovate a house while one of them dates the buyer), the pay is too good to turn down. With it, they'll finally be able to open the after-school program for at-risk youth to honor the man who raised them. But when the very LA-like Felicia decides she'll be the buyer of the property (and his date), Liam wonders for the first time what set of keys he'll want to pass over to her, and will one of them unlock his heart?

*3.5 stars*

Friendship, romance, love - all the right ingredients for making a great story. And this book has these three things in spades. The addition of the reality TV show certainly added a fresh spin on the story of story that I expected.

The story between Liam and Felicia was very good. It was played out over the length of the novel, as opposed to the insta-love that can happen in some romance novels. They were a great couple and really set a good tone for the story.

Why did I mark it so low, then, if it had all the ingredients for a great book? Well, there were no other brothers in the story! The blurb gave the impression that all three brothers were in the book when, in reality, it was all about Liam. I gather that the other boys would get books of their own but it was just a little misleading for me.

All in all, though, this was a great story that tells the story of a likeable couple in an interesting situation.


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Think The Property Brothers if one of the guys was supposed to fall for the homeowner during the purchase and renovation. I have no idea why I waited so long to pick up this book! I adored it. The characters, the setting - the house! - there was so much to love.

The characters are all endearing and wonderfully flawed. There aren't any perfect characters to be found here and the author isn't afraid to show their mistakes. It was hard to get in Felicia's head. I liked her but I couldn't understand her and the decisions she made. The author did a good job of trying to show her thought processes and how her upbringing would have guided her to those decisions but I still wanted to shake her. Liam has an enormous heart. He's uber-protective of those he loves, he's got issues - major childhood pain - but he has an amazing capacity for love. Of all the characters my favorite, hands-down, was the house. It was definitely the star of the book.

I did feel like the book was rushed near the end and I didn't feel like I saw enough of the other Ballard Brothers who are supposed to be the leading men in the next books but if you're looking for a quick, sweet and steamy romance novel set in a fabulous location check out On the Market.

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